Chris Schauble is on a quest to find his birth parents, and the KTLA anchor is inviting millions of viewers along with him.
Schauble was adopted as an infant and grew up knowing he was adopted. At age 43, with a thriving career and family he admits that his life is complete, but wanted to learn more about who he was biologically.
Two weeks ago he teamed with an investigator to start the search for his birth mother .
“No matter how this story ends, good or bad, I’m choosing to share every intimate detail with you along the way,” he said.
But Schauble has found difficulty. He spent the first three months of his life in a group home in Florida, a state with restrictive laws on adoption. But he teamed up with an “adoption angel” who was able to garner some information from the state.
He found that his birth mother was 38 years old when Chris was born and not actually from Florida. The investigator was then able to find the attorney his mother used in the adoption, learning that amazingly he was still in practice.
The lawyer said he no longer had records, but the findings energized Schauble to continue his quest.
Chris Schauble is not the first member of the media to invite viewers in on the search for birth parents. Earlier this month the adopted daughter of NBC News chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman wrote about her quest to find her birth mother.
The search for Kate Snyderman’s mother was also featured in a Today show segment, detailing a search process that started when she was a teenager.
“I was 16 when I, almost absentmindedly, asked the question while on vacation with our family in Mexico. It was a question that had plagued me for as long as I could remember,” Kate Snyderman wrote in a story for the Today show. “Earlier that day, we’d been talking about traits shared between family members, and my sister and mom had to be reminded that I wasn’t genetically related to them.”
Kate said at age 25 she decided to start a real search . She said she stumbled on a website connecting adopted kids to their birth parent, so she left a note and soon got a reply.
Snyderman said the letter was from a woman named Cherie who thought she was Kate’s sister. Cherie sent her an email address from Cheryl, their birth mother, and slowly Kate established a relationship with her biological mother.
Chris Schauble has not been able to find his birth mother yet. He said she would be 83 years old today, and though he still has some work to do he remains determined to find her.