Ever since Kanye West debuted his “ Bound 2 ” video on the Ellen DeGeneres Show , everyone has been giving their opinion on the majestic looking video. While some have said it looks like a digital short that SNL would film, others have said that West has gone off the deep end with his love letter to his baby mama Kim Kardashian. All opposing opinions aside, what everyone seems to agree on is that it’s a vain look at Kardashian and West’s relationship, and a poorly produced video at that.
That said, the comedic duo James Franco and Seth Rogen took their best shot at actually parodying the video. Funny enough, the two recreated “Bound 2” down to each meticulous detail and shot that it looks just as logical as West’s original video. In Rogen and Franco’s parody, Rogen plays Kim Kardashian’s part, which means there’s a lot of long dramatic gazes into the camera lense.
The highlights from James Franco and Seth Rogen’s parody match the comical highlights from the original video. For the majority of the video we see Rogen riding the motorcycle backwards through different ridiculous settings as Franco rides on the bike embracing and caressing a topless Rogen. What makes this video slightly better than the original is Seth Rogen’s unabashed nature in showing off his hairy back and chest as he gropes and makes out with Franco.
James, who portrayed a gangster rapper in this year’s Spring Breakers seemed more than happy to channel his inner rap diva as he lip synced and posed as Kanye West. The actor seemed to be in his glory hamming it up in his tie dye shirt, which is similar to what West was wearing in the actual video.
The fact that Franco and Rogen would parody Kanye West’s video shouldn’t come as a surprise. In a way it’s a perfect mix of self-parody and parodying pop culture, which the both are familiar with from their background in previous films. Their last film together This is The End saw both actors portraying skewed versions of themselves facing an apocalyptic nightmare in Los Angeles. Besides “Bound 2” Franco and Rogen will be seen together in the comedy The Interview .