It has been more than a year since Miley Cyrus famously quit using Twitter (October 2009) with more than 1.1 million followers and now she’s back, but for reasons you may not have expected.
Cyrus rejoined the social networking website on Monday, Tweeting:
“‘Do not fear…the Sheenius is here!’ I’m not gonna lie. I came back to twitter for 2 reasons. My fans and to follow @charliesheen #winning.”
You won’t find Cyrus on her old @mileycyrus account, instead she has taken over the social media account for her @gypsyhearttour. The account however is being used to showcase her private life, including a recent picture of her dog Lila and info about eating dinner with her family.
One of her first tweets also went out to Jaden Smith in which she tweeted:
“Let’s take over the world together! Starting with Disney Land! PS I’m totes laying around eating chocolate watching Hancock.”
So there you have it, Miley is back on Twitter and once again tweeting about absolutely nothing of interest.