Fan favorite WWE wrestler the Big Show is back in business in a big way. He made his return to RAW Monday night and fans who saw the show were shocked at the results!
After crashing Randy Orton’s celebration last week, the Big Show came to the WWE ring to face off against Triple-H and Stephane McMahon and jaw about the lawsuit he has against them. Big Show’s lawsuit, of course, was just leverage to get his job back. He accomplished that Monday night on RAW but wasn’t done there. Not content to rattle The Authority’s cage by taking his job back, the Big Show demanded a WWE Title match against Orton at Survivor Series. Triple-H originally balked at the idea, but, in the face of the legal threat, Stephanie’s cooler head prevailed and the match was set.
Now, Triple-H isn’t one to have a bad deal rubbed in his face, and, since the Big Show was now back on the RAW roster, he put the giant in an immediate handicap match with The Shield and Randy Orton. The Big Show has fought the odds before, but even for him, this was a tall order and you can be certain he wasn’t going to get any help for the rest of the locker room; they were smart enough Monday not to not cross the boss.
Big Show held his own for a while but was unable to overcome the numbers game, as is often the case against the Shield. Throw in the re-emergence of a new corporate Kane, unmasked and suited up, and the night spelled doom for the world’s largest athlete.
Ryan Dilbert of Bleacher Report says that Show should have challenged Triple-H instead during his negotiations. While it’s been a while since fans have seen the big man in the title talk, “Orton shouldn’t be Big Show’s focus; instead, that honor should go to the man who has done his best to ruin his life in the past few months.”
The point is intriguing, and with the Twitter evidence backing it up, it looks like fans would rather see the Big Show against the big boss than going after the belt.