On Tuesday Lady Gaga is set to stream her new album Artpop for the first time, and while that’s sure to be a celebratory moment for the singer, she might have an alleged breakup on her hands bringing down her spirits. It’s being reported that Lady Gaga and Chicago Fire beau Taylor Kinney have called it quits .
If reports are true, it’s Taylor Kinney, and not Gaga that broke off the relationship. RadarOnline reports that Kinney was committed but had enough of her “insane workload” and decided that the relationship was stunted because of it.
An insider told The UK Sun of what lead to the split between Taylor Kinney and Lady Gaga:
“Taylor has told her she’s married to her career and he can’t deal with dating Gaga the megastar and all her obsessions and alter-egos. He loves the cool down-to-earth girl but hardly gets to see her.”
The source continued having said that it is completely due to Lady Gaga and how far her work takes her out of a relationship:
“Gaga never stops working — she writes songs in the shower and dreams up new outfits in her sleep.”
Kinney, 32, and Gaga, 27, met on the set of a music video for her hit single “You and I.” Kinney, then only known for being a model, played Gaga’s love interest, and the two sparked a relationship. The pair split briefly before and then reconciled, so even if this is a break it may not be permanent.
However, Lady Gaga is about to gear up promoting her forthcoming album Artpop so it might be a good thing for her focus as far as her music is concerned. According to the source this isn’t new news as the couple were “fizzling out for months.”
As for Lady Gaga’s stance on all of this? It sounds like the singer is still hopeful that they can work things out.
“Gaga’s hoping to meet up with Taylor when their schedules allow to talk things through. Taylor told her they need time apart and it’s looking as if this might lead to a permanent split.”
The split comes just after an emotional performance from Lady Gaga at the YouTube Music Awards. Lady Gaga took to the stage over the weekend to perform her new song “Dope” and it appeared as though Gaga was touched by the song. Perhaps Gaga filtered out her pain from her recent split into her performance.
In her song “Dope” Lady Gaga sings a confessional of self-admitted addictions:
“I promise this drink is my last one/I know I f**ked up again/Because I lost my only friend/Just one last puff and two last regrets/Three spirits and 12 lonely steps/I need you more than dope.”
Lady Gaga’s Artpop drops November 11.