A Google Glass explorer was ticketed in California for using the new wearable piece of technology while operating her motor vehicle. Cecilia Abadie was pulled over near San Diego for speeding, but a second citation was given simply because she was using Google Glass, which according to the cop and her ticket, was the same as her using a computer while driving.
Whether or not law enforcement would go after Google Glass users in this way has been of concern since Glass was first announced and one of its most obvious uses, GPS, was brought up. According to Abadie’s ticket, she was ticketed for “Driving w/ monitor visible to driver (Google Glass).”
The law that the Google Glass explorer broke was California Vehicle Code 27602 which states:
“A person shall not drive a motor vehicle if a television receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen, or any other similar means of visually displaying a television broadcast or video signal that produces entertainment or business applications, is operating and is located in the motor vehicle at a point forward of the back of the driver’s seat, or is operating and the monitor, screen, or display is visible to the driver while driving the motor vehicle.”
Since she was technically using an electronic device and looking at it while driving, it makes sense that she was pulled over based upon the current laws. However, tests should be done to see whether or not using a device such as Google Glass actually impairs driving. If the use of these wearable electronics do not affect driving, the laws will likely be updated as Glass and other products like it become popular.
Although most people do not seem to think that this citation was justified, Abedie broke the law and is paying the price for it. That being said, there is room for debate whether or not the laws should remain intact or if specific exceptions for Google Glass should be added.
The argument can easily be made that using Google Glass while driving is no different than using a GPS. In both scenarios, the driver is not necessarily being distracted from the road since they do not have to completely take their eyes off the road or handle a device (Glass is hands-free.)
Of course, the Google Glass explorer would probably have been fine had she not been speeding in the first place.