Wolf of Wall Street is hot on the Oscar trail once again. After it was rumored that Paramount’s most anticipated film would be pushed back to 2014, it looks like Scorcese wrapped up on whatever it was he was laboring over in time for a new release date. Paramount studios announced that Wolf of Wall Street is hitting theaters on December 25, 2013. It’s a little late for an Oscar date, and they really need to bulk up their promotion, but it’s definitely a contender in this year’s race.
In reality, Wolf of Wall Street was only pushed back a month from its original November 15 release date, which is a lot better than the 2014 release date we were originally looking at. With the announcement of Wolf of Wall Stree t’s final release date comes a brand new trailer. The trailer still has the flashy excitement of the first, but without Kanye West’s bold “New Slaves.”
Instead our second look at Wolf Of Wall Street dives a bit into the illegal operations that Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) was cooking up. Based on the true story of Belfort, Wolf of Wall Street , captures his illegal dealing as a New York stockbroker crook, who made his way to the top as he rode to fame on sex, drugs, booze, and women, and of course, his inevitable downfall. His second man in charge was Donnie Azoff played by Jonah Hill, who seems to be excelling at his turn as a dramatic actor. The tone seems to be more comedic than dramatic, which could mean a better end result for precursor awards like SAG and Golden Globes.
Of his role in Wolf of Wall Street , DiCaprio told New York magazine:
“I wanted a close relationship with him so that I could weave intimate details into the movie… things that weren’t in the book. I was kind of the middleman between him and Marty, and I would bring pages of notes from my meetings with Jordan—things like this insane orgy on a 747 going to Vegas, chimpanzees in diapers that would skate through the Stratton offices, very intimate stuff about his relationships with women — and Marty was game to try everything.”
Looks like it from the trailer.