The Inqusitr welcomes Israeli journalist Adina Kutnicki for another no-holds barred interview on the Muslim Brotherhood and their efforts to restore the global Islamic Caliphate and destroy the Jewish state of Israel.
While many Western leaders continue to proclaim Islam to be the “Religion of Peace” and portray the incessant violence in the Islamic world as a legitimate reaction to poverty and social inequality , the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood speak openly about their goals of global dominance:
Dr. Muhammad Badi, supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said: “The Brotherhood is getting closer to achieving its greatest goal as envisioned by its founder, Imam Hassan al-Banna. This will be accomplished by establishing a righteous and fair ruling system [based on Islamic sharia], with all its institutions and associations, including a government evolving into a rightly guided caliphate and mastership of the world .”
The Brotherhood proudly promises its followers a new Caliphate that will make Islam the world’s only religion, while they engage in stealth Jihad and a deceitful charm offensive for the useful idiots in First World governments and Western mass media. They are aided by men like the Obama Administration’s Paul Stockton, who, while under oath before Congress, repeatedly refused to admit there was such a thing as Islamic extremism and insisted that al-Qaeda were only murderers who had no affiliation with Islam.
Watching the back and forth between Stockton and U.S. Representative Dan Lungen is a mind boggling example of just how far down the rabbit hole of denial the Obama Administration has gone to protect Islam from even the slightest criticism. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Morsi government that Obama supported is tearing Egypt apart.
As an expert on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, we asked Ms. Kutnicki here today to reveal the truth about the Brotherhood’s activities and explain their ultimate goals for humanity. There is no limit to how far they are willing to go to accomplish their aims, from butchering Copts in Egypt to unleashing Adnan Oktar and his Muslim “Barbie Doll” sex kittens on complicit Israeli media and politicians.
For more on this frightening story, with all its bizarre twists and turns, The Inquisitr presents Ms. Adina Kutnicki.
Wolff Bachner: Adina, welcome back to The Inquisitr for your second interview. As an Israeli, an investigative journalist, a Jewish woman and a proud Zionist, you are literally living in the eye of the storm. While daily life in Israel is relatively normal, there is always the underlying threat of terrorism and the constant fear of attack.
Despite the claims that the conflict between Israel and the Arab world is about a homeland for the Palestinians, the Right of Return, the settlements and the demand that Israel return to suicidal 1948 armistice lines, the truth is somewhat different.
When we peel back all the many layers of the onion, what we find at its core is a religious war based on the belief that all of the land in the Middle East belongs to Islam . This is nothing more than a continuation of 1400 years of conquest and the desire of Islamic supremacists to make Islam the world’s only religion, as taught in the Qur’an itself. An independent Jewish state in the midst of the Islamic world is seen as an open wound that must be crushed and eliminated down to every last Jewish man, woman and child. In truth, as long as this fanatical belief continues, peace in the Middle East is an impossible dream.
At the head of the Islamic supremacist movement, stirring the cauldron of endless Jew hate , is the Muslim Brotherhood. Who are they, what are their goals, and why did you decide to investigate the Muslim Brotherhood?
Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, thank you for inviting me back. It is a distinct privilege. From the onset, it is imperative to internalize the underlying dynamics of my “hunting and digging”, my occupational interest.
Its essence began as both a reaction and response to four converging events. So let us commence with the first pillar. It started shortly after the horrors of 9/11/01, at a time when my family home was less than an hour’s drive from Ground Zero. Not only that, having grown up in NYC, it also became my adult milieu – both socially and professionally – particularly the upper east and west sides of Manhattan, as well as the downtown Soho area. Accordingly, the immediate impact from 9/11/01 was beyond explosive.
That being said, secondly, I was acutely intertwined with the ensuing chaos, not just as a native New Yorker, but because my brother, then stationed as an NYPD Homicide Detective, First Grade , was deeply in the mix with all of the investigatory aftermath. In effect, there was no escaping the “bolt out of the blue” jihadi attack, as a horrified bystander and family-wise.
The third intersecting factor revolved around my son’s decision to enlist in the IDF as a “lone soldier” in a combat unit, not too long after he graduated from Caltech. It was during this highly volatile period, in 2004, whereby a raging “intifada” was ongoing within Israel , certain investigative opportunities arose revolving around Islamic jihad. At the same time that my eldest son was (potentially) risking life and limb to protect the Jewish homeland, the above outlined mindset was not conducive to sitting on the sidelines. Unthinkable.
As luck would have it, I was “recruited” to assist in a four year investigative series, featured at Frontpage Magazine, of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). In this regard, I was called upon to utilize forensic skills – honed within a professional practice – and became deeply enmeshed with the ins and outs of the financial structure of jihadi terror (of which the ISM is part and parcel of) networks operating as 501 (c) (3) non-profits. Its tentacled umbrella was spread out akin to a hydra-like organism, one which continually led back to the Muslim Brotherhood. Moreover, certain inter-related players became familiar names within each investigation, and they kept popping up like parasites. And, as I continued my research, additional information kept pouring in, regarding their activities and their supporters.
In fact, I can state without equivocation, what the world has been witnessing and watching in horror, at least since 9/11/01, beats a direct path back to the Muslim Brotherhood and its various offshoots, Al Qaeda being the most well known of its infamous progeny.
Therefore, due to all of the above (and ensuing related matters) a laser beam has been focused on the underbelly of the Muslim Brotherhood and all their maze-like methods of jihad. More pointedly, I am hardly alone in this effort. Through various contacts, both in the U.S. and Israel, I am able to amass a wealth of information, that which the average citizen is totally unaware of. And, it is also the case, those who assist on one part of a given investigation, may likely never come in contact with others who are also working in parallel, but on another part of the puzzle. The twists and turns.
Without further ado, now that the readers understand the “why” of my efforts (and its evolution into an intricate network of various players) and “who” the main targets are, it is time to turn up the spotlight – and hopefully the heat – on the most dangerous terror apparatus the west has ever known: the Muslim Brotherhood.
Wolff Bachner: As the brains behind the Islamic supremacist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood exerts great influence over the movers and shakers in the Islamic world. They also are a powerful influence over the Muslim masses, as we have seen in Egypt since the rise and subsequent fall of Mohamed Morsi, who was a high ranking Muslim Brotherhood leader before he became President of Egypt .
The Brotherhood has openly stated they intend to fill the streets with angry protesters on a daily basis and wage a Jihad against anyone who is opposed to Morsi until he is restored to the Egyptian presidency. As a result, Egypt has become an armed camp, riots are a regular occurrence, and hundreds of protesters, police, and Egyptian soldiers have been killed.
The Brotherhood has also turned their rage on Egypt’s 10 million Coptic Christians , who strongly supported the ouster of President Morsi. Hundreds of churches have been burned , thousands of Coptic homes and business have been looted and demolished, Coptic women and children raped, kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam and nuns and priests savagely beaten after their convents and monasteries were destroyed.
Out of the chaos, we learn that the Muslim Brotherhood has laid out in detail their specific goals for uniting the world under the banner of Islam and Sharia Law. The Brotherhood’s program has been referred to under the ominous sounding name of “The Plan.” What exactly is “The Plan ?”
Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint , one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:
Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.
Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.
Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
Editor’s Note : One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.
Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.
Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.
“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Wolff Bachner: In a modern, highly political world, one must have enablers and allies to enact any global initiative, especially one that is subversive and secretive. Who are some of the enablers and allies of the Muslim Brotherhood and how high up the political food chain do they go?
Adina Kutnicki: Beyond a shadow of a doubt, their enablers and allies reach up into the highest recesses of the political food chain, so much so that the leadership of the free world is deeply implicated. One only has to witness their rise and prominence within President Obama’s administration to internalize how close they are to fulfilling their mission of Islamizing the United States of America into the “Shariah States of America”. This is not hysteria-talk nor hyperbole. It is their ultimate plan. However long it takes (and they view patience as a virtue, centuries ago seems like yesterday in their mind’s eye, unlike the mostly ADD-afflicted west) they will keep making inroads, that is, unless millions amass to thwart their efforts within America. But even though they burrowed within prior administrations, their trajectory rose exponentially under President Obama’s “guiding hands”. Most significantly, according to BizPac Review, Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood-tied adviser to DHS has just been promoted to a high senior level position! The details can be found herein , but the following excerpt is more than an eyeful:
“The Washington-based, national security think tank, Center for Security Policy, published a disturbing 33-page report based on a series of interviews with Elibiary about his admitted ties to a man who raised funds for Hamas and “other radical Islamist causes,” all while serving and advising the Obama administration. Judicial Watch reported on the findings, noting that Elibiary “has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism….”
As such, the Muslim Brotherhood is already in Obama’s White House, and this fact must be internalized and seared into ones brain:
“On December 11, 2004, Muslim Brotherhood apologist Mohamed Elibiary was a featured speaker at a conference honoring the memory of Ayatollah Khomeini, the man synonymous with Islamic terrorism. On September 13, 2013, this same man, Mohamed Elibiary was named the head of the Obama administration’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out why, exactly, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood is pulling the levers of power in the White House .”
Mind you, Elibiary’s appointment is hardly an anomaly. Skulking Islamic “advisers” are regular fixtures within President Obama’s inner circle, though most are not as well known as Elibiary. It would take an entire expose’ to flesh out all the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated appointments, most of whom are comfortably implanted inside President Obama’s administration. Nevertheless, it is impossible to understand the gravity of the situation without knowing how embedded they really are. Like termites.
In this regard, it is more than reasonable to posit: why would the Obama administration allow said infiltration and penetration? Simply put, the evidence is overwhelming that President Obama – and his surrogates – is in “deep sympathy” with the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their symbiotic relationship amounts to a whole lot more than “placing lipstick on a pig”, a colorful phrase aptly coined by Sarah Palin.
As a foretaste, one must, at the very least, be willing to expend a concerted effort to uncover Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s roots. Then, as a result, his seemingly inexplicable foreign policy forays, as well as his administration’s domestic appointments, will fall sharply into focus. Most glaringly, my commentary link, regarding his Kenyan Wahhabi relatives, tells the tale -, yet the Shoebat Foundation fleshes out his family linkage further:
“After President Obama was inaugurated, the Muslim side of the Obama family in Kenya boomed; it went from rags to riches overnight. They became one of the most influential families in western Kenya and even extended their sphere of influence to Saudi Arabia. When Sarah, president Obama’s grandmother (step-grandmother), decided to go to the Hajj, an obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca with Musa, president Obama’s first cousin, they were welcomed with open arms and were provided a special escort with full security detail and first-class treatment at the Saudi royal court…”
Let us also meander further down the President’s familial tree, upon closer examination, Malik Obama certainly becomes a “person of interest”. While many of us have relatives we would rather avoid, or politely make a conscious effort to sidestep at family functions, none of us (that I know) have the power of the Presidency. Therefore, our less than stellar relatives are mostly family annoyances, even though a bane to us personally. The point being, Malik Obama is more than the President’s half-brother, he is a superstar all on his own. Delicacy aside, he is a “mobbed up” Brotherhood operative. Once again, the Shoebat Foundation reveals the dope:
“Citing Arabic-language Islam researcher Walid Shoebat, that Tahani Al-Gebali, the former chancellor and a continuing adviser to the Constitutional Court of Egypt, has claimed the reason the U.S. cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because Malik Obama is the architect of the Brotherhood’s financial investments.”
Since the publication of the initial article Aug. 20, sources have obtained independent confirmation that criminal charges have now been filed in Egypt against Malik based on Gebali’s accusation that he was managing investments for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
In response to a question about whether he had visited Egypt or intended to visit Egypt soon, Malik said: “I did not go to Egypt before. I am a Muslim, but I do not promote hatred or violence, and I have not belonged to any extremist group in my life.
Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Dawa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which has been designated by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist state…”
Wolff Bachner: After the Muslim Brotherhood took control of the government in Egypt, despite their constant promises that they had no interest in holding political office or influencing Egypt’s elections, we began to see and hear a new expression used to describe their activities; Stealth Jihad. What is Stealth Jihad and how is the Muslim Brotherhood using this powerful new weapon to achieve their goals?
Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, you are obviously up to speed on your Islamic verbiage. Definitely, Stealth Jihad is a mandatory concept to master. So, in order to follow the winding, often unfamiliar terrain attributed to Islam’s thrust into the west, its essence must be adequately explored.
It revolves around the ability of dedicated Islamists to fly below the (communal/national) radar, but only until the Islamic community is strong enough – both politically, economically and otherwise – to emerge from the shadows. Operating out of full view affords anonymity, yet allows jihadists to build up as many war chests as possible. Two key components are monetary bases and hidden terror cells. They must be ready and prepared to spring into frontal action, if necessary. As a matter of record, staying burrowed for years is often a requirement. As is said, “hiding in plain sight” is more than a saying to Islamists. It is an actual method of jihad!
But if one example stands out among countless others, look no further than to a recent commentary, which commemorates the 12th memorial of 9/11/01. The DESECRATION of 9/11/01: Stealth Jihad” Via Mosques; Adnan Oktar’s Turkish-Islamic Union, Taqiyya”, Penetrates Into Jewish/Israeli Media/Power Centers – Where Is The Nexus? demonstrates the despicable and dangerous lengths the Muslim Brotherhood pursues to effectuate their agenda. The submission (Islam literally means “to submit”) of the west to Shariah Law, as described in just one of many YouTube interviews with Islamic leaders, is anything, but circumspect, despite their usage of Stealth Jihad.
So, while the Muslim Brotherhood utilizes a mix of Stealth Jihad – in combination with “frontal/open jihad” – for this discussion, let us stick to what is less visible, than what is more readily apparent, that is, exploding body parts.
Wolff Bachner: Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has slowly evolved from a secular state to a religious theocracy based on Sharia Law and Islam. Erdogan has taken every opportunity to undo decades of good relations with Israel while supporting Hamas and Jihad. What is going on in Turkey and what is Erdogan’s endgame?
Adina Kutnicki: In answer to the all important question of Turkey, its position as a so called “moderate” Muslim nation and its relationship to Israel, a brief backgrounder is in order. Turkey has enjoyed a “pet” relationship within the west, ever since its membership in NATO began in 1952. And, while the honeymoon lasted a little over 50 years, not too long after Prime Minister Recep Erdogan took over the helm, in March 2003, as Turkey’s 25th PM, the government’s Islamist agenda (from a secular leaning/tolerant nation) reared its head. Their volte face was not done in rapid moves, but akin to the precepts of Stealth Jihad – incrementally, phase by phase.
It is essential to acknowledge that PM Erdogan is a devoted and dedicated leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as elucidated at . He is also President Obama’s BFF, and this is no secret. Indeed, it is more than instructive to view their relationship in global terms, particularly since the rise of Islamism throughout Turkey merges with its entrenchment within Washington’s corridors.
In the words of Commentary Magazine :
“Hamas is a terrorist group in search of a home. Uprooted by the Syrian civil war, and shaken by the Egyptian coup, the Hamas leadership has taken temporary shelter in Qatar, but that tiny emirate is showing every sign that they want the Islamist radicals to move on. So where would a radical Islamist terrorist group dedicated to the eradication of the State of Israel and whose charter endorses the crudest anti-Semitism turn? Perhaps to Turkey, America’s NATO ally and a country whose leader President Obama identified as one of his top personal foreign friends.”
According to Hürriyet Daily News:
“The prime ministry in Ankara was the venue for a meeting between the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Khaled Mashaal, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an today. The meeting, which started at 7 p.m. and lasted for three hours, was closed to the press. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, National Intelligence Agency (M?T) chief Hakan Fidan, Deputy Undersecretary for the Prime Minister’s Office ?brahim Kal?n and advisor Sefer Turan were also present at the meeting, Anadolu Agency reported. The meeting between Mashaal and Erdo?an came around four months after their latest meeting. It came at a time when rumors suggest that Mashaal, currently in exile in Qatar, is searching for another place to live.”
As such, a perfect storm. A union for Allah.
Wolff Bachner: In addition to Erdogan, there is another prominent Turkish Islamic leader who has been quite involved in Stealth Jihad. Who is Adnan Oktar and what is he doing to enable Islamic conquest and undermine the state of Israel?
Adina Kutnicki: Adnan Oktar enters into the Stealth Jihad arena under the protective umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even so, one can be forgiven for not knowing and asking: who is Adnan Oktar? and why does he matter? Furthermore, aren’t there other well known Islamic Brotherhood mouthpieces to report on? Yes and no.
As to the “who”…first and foremost, Adnan Oktar is a highly valued, well connected Turkish Muslim Brotherhood operative, as duly reported within The Global Muslim Brotherhood Report . He is most well known for his brushes (decades worth) with the Turkish legal system, as well as his (more recent) incessant push towards Turkish “creationism”, which is basically a foil for their authentic agenda – the implementation of the Turkish-Islamic Union. Now, his harping on “creationism” only matters due to the fact that he plies it to wedge and insert himself into media arenas. Circus-like. Call it his “shtick”.
Yes, there are too many Brotherhood actors to cite, but there are not enough hours in a day. But for the fact that Adnan Oktar is a “special” case, therein lies his singular status. For our purposes, he is top dog. Patience, dear readers.
Wolff Bachner: As part of his effort to present Islam as a peaceful, modern faith that considers all religions to be equal, Oktar has used a group of rather voluptuous women to promote his ideas. These young, buxom, heavily made up “Barbie Dolls” appear on talk shows and at public events to promote Oktar’s agenda. What is going on here? Isn’t it forbidden for Muslim women to flaunt their sexuality?
Adina Kutnicki: Ah ha…you grabbed onto his sidekicks – more accurately, his harem – and gave them all due props through your visual descriptors. How many westerners are really familiar with a group of kitten-like, pin-up worthy, busty Turkish bombshells? Well, if not, I suggest readers catch up to speed, but certainly do not become enamored or distracted – male readers, I’m referring to you! To be sure, it is not as if hyping overt sexuality is newsworthy in the west, but the outward appearance of these Turkish kittens masks a far more sinister agenda than strutting their smoldering stuff. I kid you not. And, whereas western nymphets have been known to pimp themselves for monetary gain, Oktar’s lovelies are (mainly) in it for “Sexual Jihad”. Say what ?
Well, as a matter of Fatwa (Islamic-derived religious dictate) fact, “Sexual Jihad” has been sanctioned by relevant Islamic authorities, so much so that (supposedly chaste) teenage Islamic hotties availed their “services” to the “boys at war” in Syria. Mind you, some of these teens came back with more than they bargained for with Allah; pregnant and with AIDS! Not exactly virgin-like, a high priority preoccupation in Islamic culture. That’s the way it goes.
Be that as it may, okay, let’s be inordinately clear: the above is not meant for entertainment purposes, nor to be flippant. Decidedly, its contents are deadly serious. Therefore, an introduction to the “Oktarettes” is efficacious, as evinced within “ Turkey’s Anti-Evolutionist Showgirls “. It is worth taking a peek. Promise. Even so, visuals and all, what are they up to? “Sex, Flies and Videotape” exposes the secret lives of Harun Yahya, aka Adnan Oktar , the benefactor of said sirens.
Oh me, oh my…you can’t make this stuff up.
Wolff Bachner: Among his many other activities, Adnan Oktar also spends a great deal of time using the media to present his ideology to the world. What is “Building Bridges ” and how is Oktar exploiting inter-faith dialogue to accomplish his goals?
Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, you touched upon their direct nerve center, and it is indeed a media weapon. It is a tv/general media conglomerate called “Building Bridges” – A9 TV.
At first blush, you gotta hand it to them, naming their TV station with such a sweet, innocent sounding connotation, yes, it is a work of genius; the building of (ideological/religious) bridges. What could be more friendly than that? A serpent’s bite.
Not to be a spoil sport, but the Muslim Brotherhood (under whose wings the above TV channel soars) is a subject I know intimately and expend a great deal of energy, time and resources exposing. The fact that I became involved with this particular issue, regarding Adnan Oktar, through a back-handed channel (something which doesn’t happen often on this end), doesn’t obviate what has been unearthed. Of ultimate consequence were the findings, developed with the assistance of several highly capable “helping hands”. A treasure trove.
Relevant documents and indictments against Adnan Oktar and crew are plentiful, but a few stand head and shoulders above the rest. Consider: the main impetus of their message is “reconciliation” through “peace”, “understanding” and “harmony”. Well and good. Who in their right mind isn’t interested in such good intentions? Those of us who know better, that’s who.
NO sooner than it takes Oktar’s “ladies” to bat their false eyelashes, they turn around and aim to strike, that is, if you dare to question their “messaging”. Talk about being two-faced, hot-tempered and schizophrenic. Read on.
Woff Bachner: In addition to building his own media empire, Oktar has spent a great deal of energy and influence to manipulate the media in Israel and other Western nations. What is Oktar up to and how much damage has he already done to Israel’s fragile international image?
Who is helping him among the Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews and why are they helping him?
Adina Kutnicki: Perhaps you can you hear my guttural sigh from across the world, for this issue is such an explosive part of the entire subject matter. Its core. A personal, terrible sore point. Alas, this is an authentic Jewish (and western) tragedy. Tragically, too many fellow Jews, both in the diaspora and Israel, are completely enamored by sweet murmurings, even by those who seek to subdue (eventually murder) them, and this is directly related to being chronically besieged.
As explained in my previous interview at Inquisitr :
” As to the mental aberration, why Jews (hailing chiefly from the left) side with sworn enemies, well, this is a question which Dr. Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, as well as a PhD historian from Princeton, answered in his masterpiece; a monumental, epoch feat of scholarship “The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.” To make a long story short (and to save myself from a throbbing headache…this subject irks to no end), a chronically besieged people – and the Jewish people qualify like none other – often end up internalizing the hatred and delude themselves about the malevolent intent of their enemies. The visceral, non-quenching hatred is too onerous to bear, therefore, fantasy becomes blurred with reality. Feeling totally out of control, they invent a fairy tale, not unlike chronically abused children. But this is just its tip, the rest must be gleaned through the book itself. It is an eye opener and jaw dropper.”
Once the above is understood for what it is, it becomes easier to focus on the remedies needed to cease becoming a victim of “taqiyya” treachery. Their dissimulation disarms and deflects from the dangers at hand, and Islamists are adept at said Islamic mandates. Absolutely, it is a Koranic-dictate.
But what does the above have to do with Adnan Oktar’s media penetration? Everything. Most disturbingly, MAJOR Jewish media – in the U.S. and Israel – have been hoodwinked, though some have seen the error of their ways. As to why they are now just “seeing the light”, well, it makes for interesting reading as well. First things first. However, while others are still in need of “lessons learned”, some are just plain slow learners, while a smattering are “bought and paid for”. They know who they are. They have no shame.
Specifically, within the U.S., aside for some prominent blog sites, the “go to” “kosher” media source is The Jewish Press. As a major Jewish paper for the Orthodox community for decades, it is also a font of information for Christian Zionists, as its pages are filled with reporting on Israel. Fine. Full disclosure: as a matter of record, I have several op-eds printed within their pages.
Though they are hardly the only guilty party (to gift their huge platform/megaphone, other Jewish papers – in print and online – are equally blind) it is particularly galling, as well as dangerous, that its Editors refuse to ensure that Adnan Oktar and his “kittens” become history. Even more so, especially in light of the amount of face time the J Press’s preferred Muslim “pet”, Sinem Tezyapar, has already accrued, their Editors are behaving akin to stubborn mules. Who is this creature? NOT who she claims to be. Wait and see.
For most of this topic’s very dangerous rundown, it is duly instructive to absorb the following two commentaries : “The Jewish Press (Others Too) Has Mega Explaining To Do: Are They Providing Cover – Unwittingly or Not – For Islamic Supremacists?” , as well as revelations about Israeli media dupes, painfully exposed within “Adnan Oktar’s Islamic Mouthpieces Receives Another Gift: Israel Hayom (and other Israeli dailies) Lends Its Platform.”
But don’t think, for a nanosecond, that I am alone, in calling to heel The Jewish Press. Even the inestimable Islamic scholar, Robert Spencer, joins in the fray. At his highly valued site, Jihad Watch, he said a mouthful through his indictment at “ Jewish Press Publishes Muslim Writer’s Whitewash of Islamic Anti-semitism “. Unfathomable. Despicable. The Jewish Press.
The very fact that some leading Rabbis and public figures, both in Israel and the diaspora, have given their inexplicable “approval” for dialogue with a Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece, is beyond troubling. It is heartburn-inducing and cringe-worthy. They are desperate for any “peace” lullabies sung their way. (un)Holy smokes.
Wolff Bachner: While Adnan Oktar presents a charming public image, we understand that his representatives are not above making threats when their true agenda is exposed. Who has been threatened by Oktar or his followers and what did those threats entail?
Adina Kutnicki: As most civilized people are aware, everyone is free to disagree, but one is not free to threaten retribution for daring to counter another’s opinion, religious-oriented or otherwise.
But let’s start with Aylin Kocaman, one of the buxom “Oktarettes”, and her CLEAR threat to Lisa Michelle; a Zionist activist, who happens to be an administrator at several well-trafficked Facebook sites. The aforementioned Aylin does more than just purr. The threatening message-rant was lobbed in a supposedly pro-Israel Facebook group. Sickening.
Word for word, Lisa Michelle was sent the following threat (now offline) from Aylin Kocaman, in a post dated 5/25/2013. But no matter, we screen captured it.
Aylin Kocaman voices her threats:
“Lisa, you are so naive my dear. You probably thought that our silence towards your insults will not be responded at all. You are wrong. We made a pretty good research about you and something about your personal life amazed us. I am sure it will amaze many people around you. Don’t worry I will share it in public soon just like you did the biggest lies about us. The difference is I will be announcing the facts about you while you are spreading lies about us. I want you to taste this. You might have underestimated us. Apparently if you did your research sufficient enough you would find out that we have great possibility and power to reach every information in the world. I think, you thought insulting Muslims would be easy. Maybe for you it is easy to insult Muslims in Afghanistan, since you think they are powerless, but we are powerful my dear. You made a grave mistake.”
Lisa Michelle responds:
“Are you threatening me, Aylin? I have nothing to hide, and I am not insulting Muslims. I’m raising awareness about the truth. Larry [an adminstrator at the Facebook site], do you see that I was just threatened?”
Pray tell, does Aylin sound like someone who yearns for “peace”? Of course not. In fact, the Islamic phrasing “I want you to taste this” is a veiled threat, bespeaking of more to come, and when least expected.
Still, not to get bogged down in too many specifics, I have also been the recipient of some not so friendly “messages”, from some who are hardly considered admirers. Oh well. Basically, in a nutshell, if a pro-Israel activist, writer or vocal Zionist supporter questions any Muslim Brotherhood Islamist’s real intentions, a rapid-fire response is issued, either directly online in an open forum, or not so directly. In fact, they will make it their business to immediately instant message or acquire the “offender’s” email, so as to let the naysayers understand they are none too pleased.
For the record, in my explosive expose’ “ ADNAN OKTAR’s ISLAMIC ‘PEACE’ ACTIVISTS EXPOSED: The Hunt Continues – A Jewish/Israeli Imperative, An American Concern Too “ (which encircled the web at lightening speed), I reveal some additional threats, pointing directly at one of the producers of “Building Bridges”…again, talk about an oxymoronic name.
Adding to the threat level, the following venomous message was sent to a pro Israel activist, all for daring to counter the positions of Oktar and his “lovelies”. To wit, in Arabic, from the same producer, then translated into English via a “helper”:
“???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ??????”
And its translation is:
“the land of Palestine is to the Palestinians – you should be out of the land of Palestine – the land of Palestine is for Muslims and Christians – you are killing women and children – the Jews have no mercy – but in the future – we expel you from the land of Palestine, and this will happen soon”.
For the umpteenth time, said inter-faith professions of “peace”, “reconciliation” and “harmony” are revealed for what they truly entail – the pocketing of said Jewish friendships and overtures, then pouncing on them at the most opportune time. Simple as that.
So, what the heck does this all amount to? More tellingly, as previously mentioned, some high profile, self professed Zionist activists know about these threats, yet continue to allow some of the showgirls, as well as their boss, Adnan Oktar, to post on their social media pages. Why are they so blind? Well, time…and some investigations…will tell.
In fact, one site worthy of specific mention and highlighting is Israeli Frontline, a well utilized Facebook page for Israel-focused postings . Sweet. Nevertheless, when the main administrator – the buck stops with her – was queried as to her tone deaf attitude towards Stealth Jihadists linking and commenting at her site, her standard mantra has been that other Israeli and Jewish sites also allow them to post. Where is she, in grade school, as she opines; others do it, so she can too! One can just imagine her stamping her feet and getting all red in the face. But, what if the owners of other pro-Israel sites collectively jump into a raging river, will she do so as well? Huh? In other words, even though the aforementioned threat appeared exclusively on her page – though now “scrubbed clean” – she still allows one of the related showgirls, Sinem Tezyapar, to advocate her “Stealth Jihad”.
Know this: the above Turkish vixen is all over the place, in print and online. Yes, she is. But few really know anything about her, other than her repeated, ad nauseam insistence on being a “Zionist-lover” and “true friend” towards the Jewish people. Have mercy. Nevertheless, some of us do our homework, whereas others don’t, and those who should execute their own professional due diligence, now require more than remedial education.
Still, Israeli Frontline remains non-chastened, yet stridently insists that Sinem Tezyapar has NO relationship with Adnan Oktar! Despite the damning proof found on Sinem’s own Facebook page , which reads more like an ode, a siren song, to her “dearest mentor,” Adnan Oktar.
There is no mistaking their very close nexus. This is what is known as prima facie evidence, at least if one is in a court of law.
Wolff Bachner: Adina, It seems that Oktar’s followers are not the only ones making threats and indulging in hateful rhetoric. There is also a great deal of material surfacing in which Adnan Oktar has been caught making some rather vile and strangely paranoid comments about Jews.
What material have you uncovered that reveals Jew hate on the part of Adnan Oktar or gives insight into his paranoid, conspiratorial nature?
Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, out of his own mouth (far too many times to enumerate), Oktar expounds the very same exhortations, and this time it was on 10/25/2009:
“People are being misled about the economic dispersion and balance of possessions in the world. By induction of freemasons, some Evangelical Christians are telling the argument that Muslims have the possession and economic power worldwide. However, Muslims are not a remarkable economic power in the world. Currently, the sole focus of economic power is the masons. When we draw attention to foremost companies and the wealthiest businessman in the world, we see at once that these are freemasons. 85% of the economic power in the world is gathered under the monopoly of freemasons. Owners of large holdings and holders of considerable capital as well as prominent investors are all freemasons. This situation doesn’t change in Muslim countries”
“Freemasons, who made it to establish a global economic monopoly between each other, also run the capital of Muslim countries. Most of the prominent Jewish financiers also consist of freemasons. Thereby, contrary to popular belief, the active economic power is under the rule of Freemasons.”
Okay now, as a Jewish Zionist – a capitalist too – I want to know when it will be my turn to rule the world!
Nonetheless, some are more in tune with audio aids, if so, listen up, especially to the 23 minute mark at the following Dubai interview in 2009, as Oktar chillingly, vilely, unabashedly and unreservedly, states in response to an interviewer’s question:
“You say that we will embrace the Jews. But look what Jews, Israelis are doing to Muslims. What do you say to that?”
Oktar replies:
“It is atheist Zionists who are doing this, in other words, vile fanatical killers. These have ceased to be human. They are psychopaths who have sold themselves to Satan, worship Satan and make Satan their god.”
How lovely. But there is more. Halil Arda, having tracked Adnan Oktar and his cult for years , further elucidates:
“On to this stage walked Oktar, clutching the first of his books, Judaism and Freemasons, a derivative retread of anti-Semitic clichés in the manner of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which identified Jews and the masons as the devious obstacles to the emergence of a new, powerful Turkish-Muslim nation. “The principal mission of Jews and Freemasons in Turkey,” Oktar wrote, “was to erode the spiritual, religious, and moral values of the Turkish people and make them like animals…”
His intent – clear as a bell. No stealth involved.
Wolff Bachner: Adina, we have covered a great deal of ground today, from the Muslim Brotherhood as a guiding organization for the Islamic world movement to Adnan Oktar and his role in promoting a false image of Islam while undermining the Jewish State of Israel.
What is the bottom line here ? Is there an ultimate goal for all of this frenetic activity and what is that goal?
Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, as you and I are acutely aware – hoping to enlighten many westerners through this interview and other related work efforts – aside from all the highly visible dangers revealed herein, the lingering question remains: what’s Adnan’s Oktar’s end goal? And, even though an overview of “The Plan”, as conceived and designed by the Muslim Brotherhood, is (hopefully) becoming more and more transparent to Americans and westerners at large, much more needs to be done to counteract their planned jihad.
End Goal: Turkish – Islamic Union
Very little is known, at least to westerners, about a specific Muslim Brotherhood-backed Islamic project – the Turkish-Islamic Union. While Shiite leadership and most Sunni heads are not on board, the fact of the matter is that Turkish rulers envision themselves astride the resurrected Caliphate via a reconstituted Ottoman Empire . Assuredly, they are marching full charge ahead. And, for an overview of the Turkish-Islamic Union , peer within. See if you’re convinced of their altruistic, affirmative messages of love and more love to non-Muslims. They are pejoratively, religiously deemed “infidels” and special animus is reserved for the most reviled, the “Joos”. Let’s call an ace an ace, a spade a spade.
Alas, Israel, as always, stands in the way of Islamic hegemony, hence, the cooked up “charm offensive” via alluring, come-hither bombshells. Now, it must be understood that the saying, “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”, is decidedly apropos. It is an exact replica of Stealth Jihad, morphed with a boring into Jewish sensitivities and sensibilities; the desperate quest to live in “peace” and to cease looking over ones shoulders. They know their audience well. Naturally, the synthesis of comely females dripping honey-laced words, is so much more effective and appealing than threatening poses from jihadists. Wearing menacing stocking caps on their heads – with only cut out eye-holes serving as slits – and hoisting rifles and rockets over their shoulders certainly doesn’t inspire confidence, friendly intent or register sympathy. You think? Regardless, wishing doesn’t make it so.
Wolff Bachner: Adina, the Jewish people and Israel have been vilified as enemies of Islam for 1400 years . Since this is a centuries old conflict, why should Americans care about Israel’s problems, the Muslim Brotherhood or Adnan Oktar?
Adina Kutnicki: Readers, one and all, relating as an American-Israeli, as someone who loves her birth country as well as her Jewish homeland, there is NO greater danger to western civilization than the Muslim Brotherhood and all its attendant jihadi offshoots. Indeed, the Iranian menace, through its Hitlerite regime, looms very large overhead, and they too are arming for nothing more than complete Islamic hegemony. Yes, once either, heaven forbid, prevails, they will merge forces (Sunni and Shia, after which they will fight each other for ultimate hegemony, as they have done for centuries) and aim straight for the west’s jugular. But whatever shakes out, the Brotherhood’s umbrella – spanning all over the globe – is Allah-bent on bringing down America . Rest assured, they are well positioned to do so, having many friends ensconced within President Obama’s White House. The situation is dire. If America falls, so too does the free world. Ditto, if Israel is, G-d forbid, destroyed. There is no room for equivocating. Like it or not, the two are twin pillars. They are, in effect, holding up western civilization.
And, even though some readers may be less than concerned about Jewish and Israeli interests, it can’t be stressed enough that Jews are simply one of their targets; a stepping stone to the Muslim Brotherhood’s ultimate obsession. Their anticipated conquest. Hands down, the biggest catch of all, is America. Undoubtedly, Oktar and his minions are doing the Brotherhood’s bidding. They are NOT lone agents.
Most alarmingly, the Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. propaganda arm, CAIR , has deep links within ALL of America’s power centers. This is no longer up for debate. Consequently, their ability to manipulate the message is nothing short of Pravda-like. Their access lends them the ability to not only craft, but to subsequently spin Islamic jihad upside its axis. Ominously, Americans are left completely befuddled and literally defenseless. Thankfully, the “Clarion Project” delves into CAIR’s dark recesses, as do several other capable patriotic forces.
Wolff Bachner: Perhaps no other act in the last 12 months helped the Muslim Brotherhood and Radical Islam more than Al Gore selling Current TV to Al Jazeera and allowing the Muslim Brotherhood open access to American homes. What is your opinion of Mr. Gore’s behavior?
Adina Kutnicki: In Conclusion – U. S. Media Via Al Gore’s Sell Out
Most are familiar with Al Gore and his global warming hysteria, antics and falsehoods which allowed him to engorge himself to the tune of multi millions. Now, even though I am an ardent capitalist, a shyster is still a shyster, regardless of earning ones riches through private sector concerns. Yet, how many are also aware that Al Gore is DIRECTLY responsible for enabling the Muslim Brotherhood’s entry into U.S. airwaves? “ Al Jazeera ‘America’, The Brotherhood’s TV Propaganda Arm Debuts: Courtesy of Al Gore ” is jaw dropping. An absolute indictment of the foxes in the American hen-house. An absolute betrayal of Western values and the American Republic.
So, if 1 + 1 still equals 2, then all of the startling information and evidence proffered above, should concern every American. Not only that, those who cherish liberty and freedom, above all, must start taking concerted action to thwart the Muslim Brotherhood’s designs. If not, there is always Sharia Law to look forward to!
That’s a wrap. Case closed. Indictment sealed.
Biography Of Adina Kutnicki:
Adina Kutnicki is an independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist and Conservative media outlets. She contributed to an in-depth series at FrontPage Magazine (from 2003-2007) with Lee Kaplan – still working together – a well known investigative journalist. The series explored the question: “Does The Pro-Terror Left Violate U.S. Tax Laws?” Her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Israel National News, The Jewish Press, MidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center For Strategic Studies and other publications. Adina blogs at
Born and raised in New York City, Ms. Kutnicki made aliyah to Israel in the summer of 2008. Being fluent in Hebrew allows her to gauge the mood (aka matzav) of the country, thus, enabling her to report on core Zionist issues with much more accuracy. Adina assists Dr. Martin Sherman and Professor Paul Eidelberg through their policy centers. Her “go to” expert on all matters pertaining to international law, and a country’s right to anticipatory self defense – via preemptive strikes – is Professor Louis Rene Beres of ‘ Project Daniel ‘.
Adina Kutnicki is the devoted mother of two outstanding sons. Both are electrical engineers (MIT & Caltech educated) and proudly serve as IDF reservists.
Introduction by and Interview conducted by Wolff Bachner for The Inquisitr .