A young Indian girl has died after she was gang raped in her village in India and then set on fire after threatening to report her attackers. USA Today stated that the girl was believed to be 13 years old .
According to the Huffington Post , the girl was assaulted by three males from her village in the Sirsa Kalaar district of the northern city of Orai. After the males raped her, she reportedly threatened to report them to the village and it was at that point that they set her on fire.
The girl was walking back from a farm with her older sister according to Times when she was dragged away. By the time her sister was able to return with help, the girl has already sustained severe burns covering nearly 80 percent of her body.
USA Today reported Kavita Krishnan, of the All India Progressive Women’s Association, saying that many cases in India, “it is automatically assumed that a woman’s complaint of rape is false if she’s not dead or dying.”
“Of course it continues to be a huge problem, and I think part of the trouble is the fact that there’s been little accountability in the police system,” she said. “In terms of the police response, even to this incident, apparently it is has been to point suspicion toward the girl’s family.”
The Inquisitr has been following the Daisy Coleman rape case, recently reporting that a second victim has confirmed the case. At the time of her rape, Daisy was 14 years old. The Inquisitr continues on to state that Daisy’s then 13-year-old friend has finally come forward to support her, claiming Daisy was raped by the two suspects in question .
Rape is never excusable, but in the case of children, it is a completely different story. In the case of the 13-year-old Indian girl, this attack was unprovoked, and her death was unnecessary.
[Image via Shutterstock/ zimmytws ]