Are you a desperate public relationship representative in need of some quick cash? If you are then Dr. Conrad Murray might be your perfect client. Sure you might never find another job again but it’s some quick cash.
Michael Jackson’s convicted doctor will be released from jail in one week’s time and he’s seeking immediate representation.
We recently reported that Dr. Conrad Murray is being denied his medical license by the California Medical Review Board which leaves him with possible TV and book deals. Several rumors suggest that members of the review board have outright refused to even consider his reinstatement because of “moral faults” in his character.
TV networks are scrambling for the chance to be the first with a Dr. Murray interview and according to snoops they will pay big for the opportunity. The infamous doctor is also working on a book.
At this time the doctors girlfriend Nicole Alvarez has been contacting publicists around the Los Angeles and Hollywood areas. It’s not clear at this time if any PR specialists have shown interest in working with the doctor.
On the one hand Dr. Conrad Murray is likely a toxic name among almost every rep in the area, however, turning his image around could lead to a lot of new business for a savvy PR employee.
The hope for the doctor is that he can land more Hollywood gigs and possibly even his own reality TV show.
The doctor is broke at the moment so we are not sure how he plans to pony up any cash. More thank likely a PR representative would be paid after helping Conrad land deals.
Do you think TV studios and book publishers are going to help Dr. Conrad Murray profit from Michael Jackson’s death? Are you interested in hearing his side of the story in more depth?