Louisiana holds its primary and four other states hold caucuses on what promises to be a crazy Saturday night in the 2016 presidential campaign, and results from all of the contests will stream live as Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio all hold their breath and cross their fingers as they wait for the live results from the states in which there has been very little polling to predict a winner .
Following their dominant Super Tuesday victories, Trump on the Republican side and Clinton for the Democrats could take another huge step toward nailing down their party nominations — or they could find themselves dealt significant setbacks on their respective roads to the party conventions in the summer.

Even the political experts are unsure what will transpire Saturday, March 5, thanks to the lack of available, reliable data and attitudes — especially in the states of Maine, Kentucky, and Nebraska where not a single significant poll has been conducted.
A total of 155 delegates are up for grabs on the Democratic side. By pure coincidence, the exact same number are on the table for the Republican candidates.
While many of the results are up in the air, there’s only one way to find out what happens. Watch live results from the Louisiana Democratic and Republican primary, and caucuses in Kansas for both parties, Kentucky and Maine for the Republicans, Kansas and Nebraska for the Democrats. Those results can be found streaming live via ABC News Go in the live video below.
Polls in Louisiana, the only state where voters will actually vote, in the traditional sense, on Saturday, open at 6 a.m. Central Time and will close at 8 p.m. — that’s 9 p.m. for East Coast viewers, 6 p.m. in the Pacific Time Zone.
Caucus closing times can vary, but generally should be around 7 p.m. local time in most states.
At least one political prognosticator looking at the Democratic race is predicting big losses for Hillary Clinton on Saturday. That pundit is — Hillary Clinton.
“Although we continue to fight for every vote, Senator Sanders has clear advantages and is investing heavily in two upcoming caucuses,” wrote Clinton’s campaign manager Robbie Mook, in a memo issued this week.
The two states he refers to in the memo are Kansas and Nebraska.
The Bernie Sanders campaign suffered a setback on Friday , however, when the non-partisan Tax Policy Center released a study finding that Sanders’ tax proposals would result in a head-spinning $1.5 trillion per year in new taxes — taxes that, while concentrated in the upper income levels, would also deal the middle and working classes a sharp blow.
For example, taxpayers earning about $64,000 per year would be socked with almost $5,000 per year in new taxes, according to the plan. Hillary Clinton’s proposals would result in a far more modest tax increase of $44 per year for the same income group, the study said.
The Sanders campaign lashed back angrily at the study , saying that it ignored the savings to middle class families that would result from such new social programs pushed by Sanders as single-payer “Medicare For All” health care and free public college tuition.
But the study, along with statements about raising taxes like the one made by Sanders in the below video, will likely prove difficult to live down at the ballot box.
When it comes to predicting winners, the most certain bet would come in the Louisiana primary, where three polls were conducted this week on the Republican side — all showing Donald Trump with a double-digit lead, a weighted average of 15.4 percentage points according to FiveThirtyEight , over second-place Ted Cruz.
Only one poll was taken in the Democratic race this week in Louisiana, but unless that single poll, conducted by Magellan Strategies, is way, way off, Hillary Clinton is looking at a cakewalk in that state. The Magellan poll puts her ahead of Bernie Sanders by a staggering 47 points.
There was one poll released in Kansas , on February 26, taken by Docking Institute of Public Affairs at Fort Hays State University. But while the poll showed Clinton leading Sanders 33 points to 23, and Trump leading Cruz by 26 to 14, with Rubio at 13 percent, both sides showed huge numbers of undecided voters in Kansas. A full 44 percent of Democrats in the poll hadn’t made up their minds, and 39 percent were still undecided among Republicans.
In other words, Kansas remains anybody’s ball game.
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To get live, constantly updated raw results from the Louisiana 2016 primary election and Maine, Nebraska, Kansas, and Kentucky caucuses without commentary or video, go to the Washington Post at this link , or Politico at this link .
For live online streaming primary and caucus coverage and results — with no cable login credentials required — check out CBS News at this link , or ABC News Go by clicking on this link .
Live streaming feeds with commentary and immediate results from the three major cable news networks are also available online, though they mostly require login credentials. Find the CNN feed at this link , MSNBC here at this link , and Fox News by clicking here . Or try this alternative link for live primary and caucus results .
[Featured Photo By Nam Y. Huh / Associated Press]