PETA recently found out that Dez Bryant has a baby monkey and is keeping it at his home in DeSoto, Texas. They immediately sent a letter to local authorities in Bryant’s hometown asking them to make sure the baby monkey, which Bryant named Dallas, is transferred to an accredited sanctuary that is able to handle the monkey’s needs. PETA told authorities that monkeys are prohibited in DeSoto unless the owner has been given a special-use permit, and Bryant is not eligible for one of those permits.
Now, officials in DeSoto, TX — where Dez is believed to reside — tell TMZ Sports they have been made aware of the “alleged illegal possession” of the monkey within city limits.
In fact, the DeSoto PD has issued a statement saying, “The City Attorney was just contacted by Mr. Bryants’ personal attorney who advised the monkey is NOT in the City of DeSoto.”
“The DeSoto Police Department is in contact with the City Attorney, the Dallas Cowboys organization, and Mr. Bryants’ personal attorney, regarding this matter. We have also been in contact with PETA and the North America Primate Sanctuary Alliance in an effort to address their concerns.”
PETA and the animal control Center in DeSoto are launching an investigation to see whether or not Bryant acquired the monkey legally.
According to PETA, permits are only granted to public zoos, governmental entity, public or private primary or secondary schools, retail pet distributors, and rodeos or circuses, and these are all subject to certain conditions.
“Monkeys belong in the wild—not in the hands of football players who acquire exotic animals just to make a splash on Instagram,” says PETA Foundation Deputy Director of Captive Animal Law Enforcement Brittany Peet. “This baby capuchin was torn away from his mother shortly after birth and needs special care that can now only be provided by wildlife experts who will be able to ensure that he gets the love and attention he deserves.”
PETA has contacted an accredited primate sanctuary who is willing to take Dallas. He would be introduced to an adult female capuchin who would act as Dallas’ surrogate mom and be able to socialize with other capuchins and grow up with members of his own species.
In the letter PETA wrote to the authorities, they explain that Capuchin monkeys used as pets are immediately taken from their mothers, but in the wild, they could spend up to several years with their moms. The monkeys are prone to live in large groups and are extremely smart, curious, and very social animals. When they are put in a human’s home, they don’t get to interact with other Capuchin monkeys and they often become bored or depressed. As the monkeys age, they can become frustrated, get aggressive, become hard to control, and may even bite.
Jerry Jones, who owns the Cowboys, has not yet met Bryant’s monkey, but he did hear that Bryant got him.
“I missed the monkey,” Jones said. “You know, the monkey thing is pretty humorous. I am a monkey fan. I can stand in a zoo and look at them all day long and die laughing. My dad was in the wild animal business and had over 5,000 wild animals. And he always was, no matter what, he would hand somebody a card and say, ‘Be sure and come out and visit my monkeys.’ And we’ve got quite a show that goes on.”
According to Dallas Morning News ‘ Robert Wilonsky, Bryant isn’t the first Dallas Cowboys player to have a monkey. In 1995, wide receiver Orande Gadsden owned a little male monkey named Malik and would bring it to the facility when the team practiced.
Officials in DeSoto, Texas, told TMZ Sports that they are aware of “the alleged illegal possession” of the monkey within the city limits.
“The DeSoto Police Department is in contact with the City Attorney, the Dallas Cowboys organization, and Mr. Bryants’ personal attorney, regarding this matter. We have also been in contact with PETA and the North America Primate Sanctuary Alliance in an effort to address their concerns.”
(Image via Instagram)