If this rundown of my most eagerly awaited games of 2011 showed anything, it’s that the PS3 has a hell of a line-up. Uncharted 3 , LittleBigPlanet 2 , The Last Guardian , Infamous 2 , and the best version of Portal 2 should result in a blue ribbon year for Sony’s console.
Before all those arrive, there’s Killzone 3 . I never really got the first two Killzone games, having found them generic and linear (albeit attractive) affairs with settings that didn’t really speak to me. That said, they were polished, critically well-received, and sold lots to their loyal fanbase (even if said fanbase does include this guy ), and were probably no less varied than, say, the Halo series. Plus, the third game has jet packs . So let’s give it a chance, eh? Here’s what the critics are saying:
Eurogamer ‘s Dan Whitehead (full review HERE ), was quick to praise the improved multiplayer, though suggests the single-player campaign has become weighed down with an overly elaborate narrative and set-pieces:
“ Fans of Killzone 2 will love the improved multiplayer, but may find that the single-player side of things has lost a lot of its identity. It’s always polished and breathlessly paced, but it no longer offers a distinct change of pace from the rest of the shooter herd. ” 8/10
GameSpot ‘s Kevin VanOrd (full review HERE) cooed at the game’s “astonishing visuals” and lauded the “weighty” shooting action, while also taking aim at the rubbish story:
“ In some ways, Killzone 3 is a step forward. Set-piece battles will be drilled into your brain for some time after you experience them. There’s more variety in both the environments and the action, and the game is better off for this diversity. On the other hand, the excruciating story’s tendency to intrude just when the action intensifies has an adverse effect on the pacing. ” 8.5/10
Destructoid ‘s Jim Sterling (full review HERE ) slapped a perfect score on the game. If anyone needs to talk to Jim Sterling, he will be on the PlayStation Network for the next twelve months:
“ Killzone 3 is as close to perfect as online shooters get, and I do not say that lightly. The single-player could still use a little bit of work, but its faults pale in comparison to the amount of entertainment that the multiplayer provides, not to mention that the story mode itself really provides some greatness when it needs to. ” 10/10
Joystiq ‘s Andrew Yoon (full review HERE ) praised the game’s integration of 3D visuals and PlayStation Move, but found the single-player a “miserable experience” and questions the amount of content in the multiplayer:
“ Killzone 3 certainly offers more bells and whistles than its predecessor — it’s just a shame they’ve been affixed to an inferior game. ” 3.5/5
See also: Some more Review Round-ups! Such as Halo: Reach , Super Mario Galaxy 2 , and Madden NFL 11 .