Now you can unlock your new iPhone 5S using your nipple!
It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman or something in-between – your nipple can unlock the iPhone. It seems that almost any part of the anatomy can be used on what was designed as a “fingerprint” scanner, according to the MailOnline
It has been shown that both the heel of the palm and wrist also work. The techno-site PocketLint carried out a test using a human toe – and that also succeeded in unlocking the device.
The Times of India says that weirder things have been reported by some users in their quest to unlock the iPhone 5S in other ways that doesn’t involve fingerprints. Some YouTube and Twitter users have claimed that iPhone 5S accepts the impression of the human male reproductive organ – the penis – as well.
And the technology recognizes species other than humans. The phone has been opened using the paw of a cat according to a test carried out by another techno-site, TechCrunch. They do say, however, that they don’t think all animals have paws that are suitable.
Understanding how this is possible is not that difficult. The built-in capacitive sensor can be used with any skin part, as long as a heartbeat and body temperature can be detected. So, provided the part – human or animal – has a pulse, the scanner can be programmed to recognize and accept it.
Recently, a number of videos have appeared online that seem to show male and female nipples being pressed onto the phone’s TouchID sensor. So far we are not aware of anything online illustrating the penis claim – but the web is a big place, so who knows?
The question is, will the video be shown on a porno or a techno site?
One owner of the new iPhone 5S said (jokingly, we hope): “I’m glad Apple’s scanner recognizes nipples – it just goes to show how ridiculous the premise is in the first place. Now if anyone tries to mug me, they’ll have to cut one of my nipples off if they want to use my phone, and I’m not telling them which one.”
Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller, said at the phone’s launch: “Half of smartphone customers do not set up passwords. [Touch ID] is an easier and more fun alternative. It uses the key you have with you everywhere you go . Your finger.”
A laser cut sapphire crystal takes a high-resolution image scan and the Touch ID software in iOS 7 determines whether the print belongs to the owner or not. Apple say that the more often it is used, the more accurate it becomes. In reality, if the technology works, people will probably stay with just using a finger.
Not everyone accepts the idea of you whipping out your nipple in the office and rubbing it on your phone screen with the excuse “I’m just trying to unlock my phone!”