Ever wonder how it might be to age five decades over the course of five minutes? Now you don’t have to wonder any longer, as filmmaker Anthony Cerniello explores the process of aging with his short film Danielle . The five-minute clip explores how slow the aging process is on our face as he ages his character decades, starting the subject as a very young child to an elderly woman.
Usually when we see these videos they’re composed of images over a year or three years, but rarely do we ever see a subject age decades. You may find yourself asking how this video is even possible? Cerniello let Mashable in on the process behind the five-minute video.
According to the filmmaker the aging video is based on an image of his friend Danielle. To create this video he grabbed different photographs from Danielle’s relatives that shared a similar facial structure. After threading through each photo he selected those that had similar bone structures to each other.
As far as what made the filmmaker take on this aging process, he explained to Mashable about the thought behind our mortaility, stating:
“I was thinking a lot about death, having panic attacks for a while and I wanted to explore that, I guess. It was my way of working through that time of my life.”
To create the aging process he morphed all of the pictures together in Adobe After Effects, as well as hiring several animators to add in the visual tics we see in the video, such as mouth and neck gestures, eye blinks, and camera movements, to give the photographs a life-like metamorphosis.
After that Cerniello focused on color correcting on the skin tones, and then put together music which was composed by his good friend Mark Reveley.
Others seem to be just as impressed as we were over the aging video. Users on Vimeo praised Cerniello for his work, with one user saying, “Portraits will always entice artists no matter how mediums evolve. Wonderful work.”
Do you think you will age as gracefully as Danielle has in the video?