The New Adventures of Pippi Lockstocking star Tami Erin is furious with an ex-boyfriend who is attempting to sell a private sex tape to the media.
Erin said she woke up to numerous phone calls Tuesday morning from her agent and publicist telling her that the tape was being shopped . She said she had an idea that it was an ex-boyfriend she dated for a year.
The 39-year-old told TMZ, “I think he’s the biggest piece of sh*t on the planet for trying to do this to me. All I can do is fight it and make sure it never sees the light of day.”
Erin said the tape was private between her and the ex-boyfriend, with whom she broke up recently. She said she trusted him and that they were in love, and that she wasn’t sure exactly what was on the tape.
Erin also said that she has not been approached about selling the tape. In order for a company to release the footage, it would need Erin’s permission, which she swears she will never give.
“I’m fighting it,” she said. “I wasn’t raised that way.”
Tami Erin ran into a different sort of trouble earlier this year. She was arrested in April after allegedly assaulting her male roommate . A neighbor called police after the roommate yelled out for help, and placed Erin under citizen’s arrest. Erin was booked, charged with assault, and released. The victim had no visible injuries.
Erin said the alleged assault was self-defense . She said she caught him filming her without her knowledge and that her privacy was violated.
Tami Erin has remained relatively under the radar since her 1988 starring role, appearing in only a handful of movies and television series. However, she is a well-known philanthropist, and has worked with UNICEF, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, PETA, and others.
[Photo credit: s_bukley / ]