Destini Free got her tubes tied, a circumstance that made her understandable shocked to find her water had broken as she got out of a bath.
Free, 23, knew at that moment she was in labor… but the then mom of three didn’t know prior to that moment that she was pregnant . Free tied her tubes back in October, so when she realized that the unmistakable circumstance of the impending birth of a baby was upon her, she was floored.
Yahoo spoke to the Sweeny, Texas Family Dollar Store employee, who explains that she was feeling unwell — but due to the whole tubes tying situation, believed the symptoms were a bout of stomach flu making the rounds:
“I had taken a warm bath because I thought I caught a stomach virus that was going around… While I was drying off, my water suddenly broke. I was totally in shock but I knew what that meant.”
Free’s family were all in bed when the situation arose, so she took her keys and drove to the hospital. In what had to be a totally awkward situation for Destini, she adds:
“Once I arrived, I was happy to see my best friend’s sister working the front desk. I told her, ‘I know this is crazy, but I think I’m in labor.’ ”
Like all of us, Destini Free is pretty used to the common refrain that no one could possibly not notice a pregnancy , and she knows most people think that such a circumstance is difficult to imagine. Free says:
… I had no cravings or fatigue, and I never felt the baby kick… I help unload several hundred pounds of merchandise each week at work, which I was able to do with no problem. I also didn’t really gain weight—I thought I was just carrying leftover weight from my last pregnancy.”
The site also spoke to Joanne Stone, MD, director of fetal medicine at Mt. Sinai in New York City. Stone did not treat Free but can speak to tubal ligation success and failure rates, and says :
Although it’s rare for a woman to get pregnant after getting her tubes tied, I have seen it before… The failure rate of tubal ligation is slightly lower than say, a vasectomy which can have anywhere from.5% to a 5% failure rate.
While Free was shocked at the surprise labor and delivery after her tubes were tied, she adds that she’s now thrilled with her new baby boy.