George Zimmerman defense attorney Mark O’Mara claims that a gullible news media along with the prosecution tried to railroad his client on second-degree murder charges.
As the whole world knows, George Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, was found not guilty on all charges last night by a six-member, all-female jury in Seminole County, Florida in the death of Trayvon Martin.
O’Mara addressed reporters after the jury delivered its George Zimmerman not guilty verdict and controversially declared among other things that he believed that Zimmerman would have never been charged if he was black.
He also said that he became convinced of George Zimmerman’s innocence in part when his client exclaimed to the investigating detective “thank God” when informed there might have been a video of the February 26, 2012, incident in Sanford, Fla.
At the very end of the press conference, O’Mara asserted that George Zimmerman had two foes for the past 16 months during which he may have been the most hated man in America: “Two systems went against George Zimmerman that he can’t understand. You guys, the media… he was like a patient [on] an operating table where a mad scientist was committing experiments on him and he had no anesthesia. He didn’t know why he was turned into this monster but quite honestly you guys had a lot to do with it… you took a story that was fed to you and you ran with it and you ran right over him. And that was horrid to him. Then he comes into a system that he trusts — let’s not forget, six voluntary statements, voluntary surrender, and he believes in the system that he really wanted to be part of… and then he gets prosecutors that charged him with a crime that they could never, ever prove… those two systems failed him.”
Whether you believe the outcome — or the lawyering involved — was just or not, and many don’t based on social media, securing a not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman in this high-profile criminal case has elevated Mark O’Mara to legal superstar status. In general, O’Mara conducted himself in a low key, calm style in contrast to the demeanor of the prosecutors during the proceedings. Although The Apprentice is hardly the place to obtain life lessons by any means, this may be an example where as one (non-celebrity) contestant one said that an effective leader doesn’t have to speak with the loudest voice.
Co-counsel Don West summed up the outcome of the trial in this way earlier in the press conference: “The tragedy is the loss of Trayvon Martin’s life in every respect. Regardless of what he was doing and what immediately led up to it, it’s a tragic loss of life, not only will impact of course Trayvon Martin’s family and all those that knew him forever and ever, this event also impacts George Zimmerman forever and ever. This is something no one gets over. There’s no winners here; there’s no monsters here. That’s the tragedy. The travesty — it would have been a travesty of justice had George Zimmerman been convicted.”
Do you agree or disagree with Mark O’Mara’s criticism of the media’s approach to the George Zimmerman case?