Even if you tremble orgasmically just thinking about the September 14th launch of Halo: Reach , you’ve nothing on this guy.
The thought of playing another boring space soldiers game (YEAH I WENT THERE) excited Donkiekong76 so much that he built his very own Halo: Reach -themed cave in his basement. To play Halo: Reach in, you see.
It’s easy to poke fun at this level of fandom, but there is some pretty sweet gear in the “UNSC Man Cave,” as it’s grandly dubbed by its creator. This includes a 150? projector screen, a 7.1 surround sound system, $4,000 worth of acoustic foam, and an Xbox 360 with custom cooling stand. Christ, what I’d give to see his Xbox red-ring next Tuesday.
All that cool stuff is offset by a ton of junk scattered about the place, including loads of still-sealed Master Chief action figures, and some natty home-made artwork. Still, while this isn’t the most polished or complete game room I’ve ever seen, I’m obliged as a fellow geek to applaud such dedication. Now, let’s have a video tour from the owner himself: