Pork bullets are the latest offering from an Idaho-based ammunition manufacturing company.
Also called “Jihawg ammo,” the bullets are pork-infused and are aimed at a specific purpose, as the Dalton Gardens-based South Fork Industries website explains:
“With Jihawg ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch their next attack.”
The premise is supposedly based on a prohibition on consuming pork products in Islam.
The bullets, tainted by pork, would supposedly be considered “haram,” and taint the shot man’s soul, barring him entrance to heaven.
Naturally, South Fork Industries has tried to cover their bases by insisting on their website that the bullets are only intended for self-defense and exist as a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.”
But an examination of slogans and claims on the company’s website might lead to different conclusions. These include “Give ‘Em a Spankin’ With Some Bacon,” and “Put Some Ham in MoHAMed.”
The ammo manufacturer’s website explains that the pork-laced bullets idea originated in 2010. Part of a segment of Americans outraged over the inaccurately dubbed “Ground Zero Mosque,” executives of South Fork Industries were inspired to create the “Jihawg ammo.”
The premise, however, is flawed, says religious experts.
Huffington Post quotes Shannon Dunn, an assistant professor in religious studies, who says the Idaho ammo manufacturers have misunderstood the Quran . She states that the Islamic book bares no prohibition to merely coming into contact with pork. Instead, the pork must be eaten or consumed.
The Quran, Dunn says, does not state an individual who has done either, against his or her will, would be barred from entrance to heaven.
The “Jihawg” pork bullets , despite this, are gaining in popularity, with the company’s Facebook fan page nearing 5,000 Likes at the time of publishing.
[Image via ShutterStock ]