A couple of Beyoncé fans got a bit too carried away during the singer’s April 15 appearance in Belgrade, Serbia. As Bey made her way through the crowd, she was slapped in the face, and her hair was almost yanked from her head. The best part? There’s grainy video to prove it.
Beyoncé’s Mrs. Carter World Tour is off to a pretty decent start so far, despite her being mauled by an excited crowd this week. A grainy clip is making rounds on the Internet these past few days, showing Beyoncé suffering from a hair-pull and an apparent face-smack, though we around The Inquisitr water cooler are divided over whether she really got slapped.
In any case, fans on both sides of Bey flail their arms wildly at her like she’s Jesus of Nazareth, and they’re more than within arms-reach of the singer. They could practically be holding hands across the aisle, if they so chose.
This presented a problem for Beyoncé, as her security detail were walking behind her, i.e. not in a position to adequately shield her from being accosted by fans.
So anyway, you might get to the end of the clip and wonder “wait, when did she get slapped?” like some of my colleagues. Well, it actually happens right away when the clip starts to play. You can see a fan on her right (our left) give her a little love tap on the forehand. Sure, it’s not some dead-armed haymaker, but it’s a slap.
Bey turns to face the fan, apparently shocked by the slap, and recoils. That’s when another fan on her left (our right) reaches out and grabs a big handful of weave.
We have to hand it to Beyoncé though, because she handled the incident like a pro . When she took the stage, she told the crowd “I just have to say, I’m so happy to be here tonight,” and thanked her Serbian fans on Instagram later on.
And the performance went off without a hitch, too.
It’s hard to get a decent clip of Beyoncé getting slapped online without some aspiring artist’s rap track playing behind it, so here’s a looped clip with some mild self-promotion on behalf of SocialMedia1TV .
[iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/cuZ_1nUVZTo” width=”560″ height=”315″]
[Image via: s_bukley / Shutterstock.com ]