Denver, CO — Diana DeGette apparently doesn’t get guns or more particularly how they work.
The Democrat Congresswoman from Colorado is sponsoring legislation on Capitol Hill to limit gun magazines to 10 rounds, but on Tuesday night at a public forum she revealed that she doesn’t seem to know the difference between a magazine and a bullet. In response to a question about how such a ban that she is sponsoring would be effective if implemented, DeGette, who represents the 1st Congressional District in the Denver area, said the following:
“These are ammunition. They are bullets. So the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them. So, if you ban them in the future, the number of the high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available .”
In the video below, you can hear audience members laughing at her.
The Denver Post , which sponsored the forum, offered this assessment of the lawmaker’s presentation: “The congresswoman seemed to not understand that gun magazines are reloadable and thus resuable. They are not meant to be thrown away like an empty box of Tic Tacs.”
In a follow-up, a DeGette spokeswoman claimed that her boss was referring to clips rather than magazines, but as the Post and others have pointed out, clips can also be reused.
During the same gun control forum, DeGette appeared to disrespect a senior citizen constituent. The man asked about having to change magazines if he is confronted by several armed intruders at his home. DeGette smugly told him the following:
“The good news for you, you live in Denver. The Denver PD would be there within minutes. You’d probably be dead anyway .”
Both of these exchanges have gone viral on the web. Do you think either of these responses are appropriate or reveal sufficient expertise to be writing firearms-related laws?
Is Rep. Diana DeGette’s (D-Colo.) confusion between magazines and bullets an “Akin moment on guns”? @politixmary.
— David Mark (@PolitixDavid) April 5, 2013
Dem Rep leading gun control movement gets laughed out of Q&A after showing her utter lack of knowledge on guns #tcot
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) April 3, 2013
@ repdianadegette You meant Clip and not Magazine you say. Did you know that both are reusable? No, I guess not.
— Bill Coker (@bill_coker) April 3, 2013
Watch both Diana DeGette gaffes included in this FNC segment:
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