Omarosa who became famous (or is it infamous?) as the villan on the first season of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice became an ordained baptist minister last year.
The reality TV star was featured on an episode of Oprah’s Where Are They Now on the Oprah Winfrey Network where she talked about her life after The Apprentice .
“I went from being anonymous to being famous over night,” Omarosa said. “I remember a lot of titles being put on me at the time. They called me the ‘greatest reality villain of all time,’ but I never accepted those titles. It didn’t define who I was.”
Omarosa believes the way she acted on reality TV shows as just “characters” she was playing, not what she’s really about as a person.
She says she made a ton of money after Apprentice which freed her up to be able to travel. She traveled to West Africa and found herself alone in an orphanage with a little girl dying of AIDS.
“It was at that moment, looking into the face, in the eyes of this dying child that I received my call to ministry,” She said. “Upon returning to the United States, I put reality television on hold. I put everything on hold and returned to seminary full-time.”
Omarosa says people were critical of her decision to go into ministry.
“There were people who felt like because I had done the show so many years ago that maybe that disqualified me from ministry? I’m not really certain,” she said. “But boy did I hear from the critics, and to them I have to say that they underestimate the power of God’s ability to transform a person’s life.”
We all love a good redemption story, but if you saw Omarosa’s performance on the current season of Celebrity Apprentice did you see even the slightest evidence of transformation?
Do you think Omarosa has changed or is she just trying to rebrand herself in a way she hopes will make her more likable?
Here’s the video…
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