Over the years Christian Bale has certainly changed his appearance for a role. He’s dropped a dramatic amount of weight for his roles in David O. Russell’s The Fighter and Brad Anderson’s The Machinist . This time around, Bale has started filming David O. Russell’s latest film and appears to be donning a balding look.
With filming now underway, Christian Bale was seen with co-star Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence, wearing a 70s style dress shirt, and a lack vest, complete with large tinted eyeglasses. The most jarring thing to come out of Bale’s look is the barely there wig he wears that shows his character’s hair in a wind blown comb over.
The Untitled Project, which is also known as Abscam Project reunites a few familiar David O. Russell faces. Silver Linings Playbook’s Jennifer Lawrence reunites with the director once again, along with The Fighter’s Amy Adams, and Silver Linings Bradley Cooper as well. Newcomers to the Russell wheel are Jeremy Renner, Thomas Matthews, and Louis C.K.
The synopsis for the new Christian Bale film reads as follows:
“Set in the 1970s and following an FBI sting operation, Eric Warren Singer‘s script circles around the true story of a notorious financial con artist (Bale) and his mistress/partner in crime (Adams), who were forced to work with an out of control federal agent (Cooper) to turn the tables on other con artists, mobsters, and politicians. At the epicenter of the entire tale, is the passionate and volatile leader of the New Jersey state assembly (Renner) who is also the local hero and mayor of impoverished Camden.”
Looks like yet another promising film from David O. Russell who has lined up at least three more projects after the Abscam Project. Between The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook , it seems like Russell has established a family that he’s content with working with. We can’t wait to see the results.