At this point, Conan O’Brien has to be the most beloved person suffering from ginger-vitis on the planet.
I’m not knocking the gingers, I happen to love me some Irish bacon. But the Conan O’Brien support is reaching a frenzy, with dedicated fans leaving the house to attend rallies in support of their beloved Coco. Several Facebook groups and Twitter are being used to organize the groups, and LA-area Conan fans are gathering outside the studio where the Tonight Show is filmed to protest Conan’s sucky treatment in person.
Mike Mitchell, maker of the iconic “I’m with Coco” picture, tweeted that hardcore fans have been waiting in the rain for the party since last night. This message was posted to a Facebook group called “I’m with Coco,” and the image below shows the damp and disgruntled Conan fans outside Universal City:
It’s time to show NBC what’s up. We will be rallying in front of Conan’s studio at the Universal lot, to show support for our beloved Coco.
The artist, Mike Mitchell will be in attendance and will be bringing posters/signs banners and shirts to hand out to help support the cause.
This will be getting nationwide media attention, so be there to help show Coco you love him!
Please RSVP to let us know what to expect, and please check to get completely horrible directions on how to get there. We will be meeting at Gate 2 though, not 3.
Are you REALLY with Coco?
The Red Cross will be in attendance to collect donations so bring some cash and support a really good cause!”