The civil war in Syria has been raging for so long, it seems as if no end is in sight. The Syrian government, led by Bashar Hafez al-Assad has drawn plenty of blood from those who wish to overthrow him. The other side, the Syria oppositiion party has drawn its own fair share of blood as well.
The conflict has been going one so long that world powers from one end of the globe to another have decided it is time to step in and try to stop the fighting. While even the prospect of a peace summit seemed to be something that would never come to pass, the Syria oppositiion has done an about face on its previous position.
Once refusing to take part in any talks, because it felt the rest of the world was largely ignoring the violence, promises of support and aid from Great Britain and the United States has brought the anti-government forces to the table.
The BBC reports that the Syrian opposition announced today that they would indeed join the international talks going on in Rome after US Secretary of State and UK Foreign Minister William Hague promised more specific aid to their side.
The Syrian government has long shown a willingness to enter into talks and said that they too will be attending the get-together in Rome. Walid al-Muallem, Syria’s foreign minister told Al-Jazeera that his government is willing to enter into talks with whoever wants to talk “even those carrying guns.”
Muallem added that his government still believes in “a peaceful solution to the Syrian problem.” The problem seems to be that the Syrian government’s actions have not always belied an interest in a peaceful solution. Its also not clear if the Syria opposition believes that a peaceful solution can be brokered at this point.
Do you think the talks in Rome can lead towards peace?