New mom Kate Hudson got an early Christmas present from boyfriend Danny Fujikawa — he decorated their Christmas tree with lights while she got to stay on the sidelines enjoying a cocktail. The video of Danny Fujikawa, who is the father of Kate Hudson’s two-month-old daughter Rani Rose, shows him decorating the fir in fast motion in the coziness of one of their rooms.
The video additionally shows that the 39-year-old’s beau is almost as tall as the ceiling-brushing evergreen he’s decorating
Many of Kate Hudson’s nine million-plus Instagram followers cheered his holiday chivalry, and one fan commented, “That’s the way to do it!!” However, it wasn’t clear if the follower was talking about how Kate Hudson might have wrangled Fujikawa into decorating the tree while she watched, or if they were commenting on his fast and furious decorating skills.
On the other hand, it’s clear that one fan was on Team Kate, because they commented, “Like that arrangement!” One of Kate’s followers additionally pointed out that teetotalling during the holidays is no fun, even when you are carrying a baby.
“Glad you can drink again, holidays without drinks are not complete,” they wrote.
The video display of Christmas cheer might be in preparation for celebrating Christmas activities with the Marshall star’s famous mom Goldie Hawn, and her long-time boyfriend Kurt Russell. According to US Weekly , the family joins each other on Christmas Eve to decorate the Christmas tree and eat a holiday feast.
Russell, who plays a sassy Santa Claus in Netflix’s The Christmas Chronicles to Hawn’s Mrs. Claus lends even more of a holiday vibe to the upcoming festivities this year. Meanwhile, Christmas 2019 marks a special year for Kate Hudson, because it will be the mark her first Christmas as a mother.
Kurt Russell commented on the special first Christmas that Hudson is spending with Rani and said,
“It’s her first daughter. She’s got two boys,” he said. “She’s a little different with the little girl. We’re really happy that she got [a girl]… and we’re proud of Danny and the relationship.”
The Golden Globe-winning actress recently shared a picture of the two doting grandparents with her fans on Instagram. And judging by their body language and expressions, it’s clear Mr. and Mrs. Claus are in love with little Rani Rose.
The festive gathering reportedly will have lots of presents this year, including those for Kate Hudson’s other children — 14-year-old Ryder Russell Robinson, whose dad is Hudson’s ex-husband Chris Robinson — of The Black Crowes — and seven-year-old Bingham Hawn Bellamy, whose dad is her former fiancee and Muse frontman Matt Bellamy.