Washington, D.C. — Renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson is a self-described foe of political correctness and he proved it on Thursday: During the National Prayer Breakfast, he criticized Obamacare with Barack Obama sitting just two seats away from him.
Dr. Carson is director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.
In a wide-ranging speech that was inspirational and patriotic, Carson — who came from a poverty stricken background — touched on the need to accept personal responsibility, education, faith, runaway Washington spending, reforming the tax code without engaging in class warfare, and other issues.
You’ll note what appears to be a lot of negative body language coming from President Obama during Carson’s address.
Without referring to the law specifically, Dr. Carson’s comments about making the heathcare delivery system more efficient as opposed to more bureaucratic under Obamacare start at about the 21-minue mark :
“Here’s my solution: When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account to which money can be contributed — pretax — from the time you’re born ’til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members, so that when you’re 85 years old and you got six diseases, you’re not trying to spend up everything. You’re happy to pass it on and there’s nobody talking about death panels.
“Number one. And also, for the people who were indigent who don’t have any money we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money. Instead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let’s put it in their HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care. And they are going to learn very quickly how to be responsible.”
Carson conceded that HSAs are only part of a broader, non-bureaucratic solution to medical costs and providing appropriate insurance coverage without massive governmental intervention.
Many Americans already have set up self-funded HSAs on their own, and Carson’s idea would be an automatic expansion of that program.
Carson stressed that America can solve many of its societal problems because Americans are smart people.
At the beginning of his presentation, the doctor also declared that political correctness muzzles our founding principles of freedom of thought and freedom of expression.
He also asserted that the deficit and the national debt are huge problems, underscoring that moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility destroyed the powerful Roman empire from within and it can destroy America.
Watch Dr. Benjamin Carson’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast:
[iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/PFb6NU1giRA?rel=0? width=”560? height=”315?]