You’ve heard it said that “ignorance of the law excuses no one,” and that’s usually true, except in the case of pedophile rapist Adil Rashid, who avoided the can because he “didn’t know” sex with 13-year-olds is illegal.
Rashid, 18, is a Muslim, and before we get into “profiling” or “racism” accusations in the comments section, that fact is actually crucial to his case and eventual sentence (or lack thereof). Rashid lured a 13-year-old on Facebook and eventually raped her, but was spared a prison sentence because he went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless, reports The Daily Mail .
He said he wasn’t aware it was illegal for him to have sex with the girl because of his education, and the judge decided to let him off the hook.
“Although chronologically 18, it is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters,” said Judge Michael Stokes, who suspended Rashid’s sentence.
The judge also described Rashid as “passive” and “lacking assertiveness,” and argued that putting him in jail might cause “more damage than good.”
Rashid did admit to having sex with the girl, explaining that he had been “tempted by her” after they met online. They exchanged messages on Facebook before sending texts and having phone conversations over two months. They met in Nottingham, where Rashid booked a hotel room, reports The Sun .
He was arrested after talking about the rendezvous with a friend, and explained that while he was reluctant to sleep with the girl due to her age, he ultimately relented after she seduced him.
He told psychologists that he didn’t know his actions were illegal, and explained that he was taught that “women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground,” at his school, which cannot be named for legal reasons.
Judge Stokes found it hard to believe that Rashid didn’t know sexual interactions with a minor was illegal, but found him to be “sexually naive” and his comparison of women to lollipops as “curious.”
Still, “It was made clear to you at the school you attended that having sexual relations with a woman before marriage was contrary to the precepts of Islam,” Stokes said.
“I accept this was a case where the girl was quite willing to have sexual activity with you. But the law is there to protect young girls, even though they are perfectly happy to engage in sexual activity,” Stokes reasoned.