Atheists in Florida plants to distributed An X-Rated Book Sex Obscenity in the Bible in public schools. Central Florida Freethought is associated with the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
The Orange County atheist group is giving away to book in response to a bible giveaway by a religious group. The faith-based group gave away free bibles to 11 public schools in the county, according to The Blaze . The X-Rated Book is reportedly just one of the publications on the planned give away list, My Fox Orlando notes.
Central Florida Feethought member David Williams had this to say about group’s plans:
“The county has invited people in now to do this, and what we need to do is put the views of the biblical creationists into perspective with our perspective. It is not tit for tat. Our effort is to ensure the county realizes this is the wrong policy.”
Material in the Florida atheists group’s books reportedly affirms agnostic, free-thinking, and atheist themes. Literature from the Secular Student Alliance and the Freedom From Religion Foundation are reportedly on the way.
Distribution of the atheist material will begin when permission from the school is received. A booklet entitled Ten common Myths About Atheists is also being considered for distribution. Books by Madalyn Murray O’Hair and Dan Barker are also reportedly under consideration.
A release from the Central Florida Freethought group about upcoming plans reads:
“The Central Florida Freethought Community, a chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has obtained consent this week from the Orange County School Board to distribute materials about atheism, agnosticism, and secular humanism to students in public schools. This permission comes after the school board allowed a group of Christians to distribute Bibles to students on campus during school hours for Religious Freedom Day on January 16.”