Kim Karashian shared more bikini pics of herself on social media after deleting some of them. She took to Twitter to post one of her laying on an inflatable float in a pool and another of her lounging on a paddleboard. The images were posted after she was skewered for sharing bikini photos of herself during Khloe Kardashian’s very public humiliation with boyfriend, Tristan Thompson. It was branded as “insensitive” for Kim to be posting images from her vacation to the Turks and Caicos as breaking news hit that Tristan allegedly cheated on her sister with three women. The scandal broke on Tuesday when Khloe reportedly went into labor; she gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday.
Daily Mail reports that Kim Kardashian shared more bikini pics of herself after deleting previous photos from the vacation.
Kim is seen with her 4-year-old daughter, North West, in the pool photo. She’s in the water next to her mom as Kardashian relaxes in her red Chanel string bikini. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star looked relaxed laying on the pool float in her dark sunglasses.
Another bikini pic shows Kim laying on her stomach as she lounged on a paddleboard. She’s wearing gold-rimmed sunglasses and staring into the camera. The 37-year-old shared a video of herself paddleboarding in the waters at Turks and Caicos on Monday.
See my bright bikini pics from Turks and Caicos and shop the bathing suits I’m loving!
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 11, 2018
Kourt and I took the kids to Turks and Caicos for spring break! See some of my pics from the trip.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 12, 2018
In the tweeted bikini pics, Kim Kardashian is urging people to check out her website for more photos and details on the swimwear. She added 11 new photos in a post titled, “The Best Bright Bathing Suits For Vacation.” The Daily Mail writes that the Chanel red string bikini with CC logo is sold out. It’s from a past collection.
It’s not only Kim sharing photos of herself in barely-there swimwear from the Turks and Caicos. Her older sister, Kourtney Kardashian, has posted a number of images of herself wearing a metallic yellow and dark-colored string bikini. The 38-year-old also took part in some paddleboarding during her tropical vacation.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 9, 2018
Vacation photos of Kim and Kourtney together were shared to their social media accounts on Tuesday for National Sibling Day. The photos were posted as Khloe’s world with Tristan came crashing down amid the cheating scandal.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 10, 2018
It remains to be seen if Kim Kardashian has more bikini pics to surprise her fans with, but she keeps them coming.