Tori Spelling returned to Instagram recently to share a happy birthday video of her youngest son, Beau. The 44-year-old film and TV actress gushed at her fifth child turning 1-year-old on Friday. Tori’s return to Instagram comes after a nearly six-week hiatus from the social media platform that left her 1 million followers concerned.
Radar Online noted on Saturday morning that the short video clip of Beau celebrating his first birthday shows Tori Spelling and her husband of nearly 12 years, actor Dean McDermott, 51, cooing “as though nothing happened .” Radar Online was referring to Tori Spelling’s alleged mental illness and angry outburst that reportedly left both Tori and Dean calling the authorities “twice in 24 hours,” according to Cafe Mom .
Cafe Mom reported last Thursday that the Los Angeles Police Department responded to the Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s home just one day before the couple celebrated Beau’s birthday. According to the report, “someone in the house” called the police after Tori Spelling allegedly became “very aggressive” and possibly even suffered a nervous breakdown.
Cafe Mom also noted that Tori herself actually called the police the “prior night,” reportedly because she “thought someone was breaking into her house,” which is located in Woodland Hills, California.
A previous report on Cafe Mom from over two weeks ago shares that fans of Tori Spelling actually started to become concerned about the mom-of-five after Dean McDermott shared family updates and photos on his own Instagram account, minus Tori. The last official full family photo that Dean McDermott shared on his Instagram account that included Tori Spelling was back in October of 2017.
Family updates, videos, and photos from Dean McDermott since October of 2017 only show himself spending time with his five children. Tori Spelling also completely disappeared from her own Instagram account for over a month, and her followers started to comment on her last post from January 23 that they hoped she was “okay.”
Life & Style shared on Saturday that Tori Spelling was back and made a “triumphant return” to social media after her lengthy hiatus and alleged nervous breakdown. The “adorable video” that Tori Spelling shared on Friday, March 2, features baby Beau, Tori, and Dean — all appearing to be happy and healthy after Thursday’s “domestic incidence” call.
Tori Spelling can be heard in the background saying, “Who turns one today?”
Dean McDermott is shown giving baby Beau “birthday tickles” and wishing him a happy birthday.
Fans of Tori Spelling commented on the video that they are glad she is “getting right back out there,” despite reports of a possible mental illness and money woes. Other fan comments sent “good thoughts” her way.
Pop Culture shared on Friday that Dean McDermott was the first to break his “Instagram silence” after Tori Spelling’s alleged mental breakdown. McDermott shared his own “happy birthday Beau” video to his Instagram account on Friday, along with the caption that time flies. Comments on Dean McDermott’s Instagram post called him a “deadbeat dad,” and Pop Culture did note that McDermott confessed recently about owing back child support to his ex-wife and that he wasn’t “making a ton of money right now.”
The previously mentioned Life & Style report shared that an alleged source close to Tori Spelling revealed that the last year has been “really tough” on the couple, adding that Tori Spelling has had a lot of stress, anxiety, and pressure from work, marriage, and her five children, who range in age from 10 to 1.
A Monday morning report from the Hollywood Gossip alleges that neighbors of the Spelling-McDermott household actually called the authorities last Thursday morning due to an alleged domestic disturbance.
“Fans have offered well wishes, and many have expressed their hope that Spelling is getting the help she so obviously needs.”