Jill Duggar and her husband, Derick Dillard, have landed a new gig just days after Derick’s transphobic tweets about Jazz Jennings landed him in hot water. According to Derick, they’ll be working with kids who aren’t much older than the teen girl he’s been accused of cyber-bullying.
Earlier this month, Jill Duggar’s husband angered many netizens when he misgendered 16-year-old Jazz Jennings by using the pronoun “him” instead of “her” to refer to the young girl, and he also had the LGTBQ community and their allies up in arms over his tweet claiming that “transgender is a myth.” Derick went on his transphobic Twitter rant during what was supposed to be a short break from doing mission work in El Salvador. However, a week after Derick Dillard’s tweets went viral, he and Jill came to the conclusion that God wants them to move their family’s ministry “back to the United States for the time being.” In other words, he and the Duggar daughter are done being missionaries .
It didn’t take the TLC reality show stars long to find some religious work much closer to home. Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard were residing in the Duggar family’s home state of Arkansas before they left on what was supposed to be a long-term mission trip, and Derick recently tweeted that he is now working for a church with numerous locations in the state. According to the Counting On star, he has joined the Cross Church College team .
Jill, Israel, Sam, and I had a blast this evening at the #C3cookout We’re excited to be joining the @c3crosschurch team! pic.twitter.com/ASMB3N11XF
— Derick Dillard (@derickmdillard) August 16, 2017
According to the Cross Church College , or “C3,” website, the religious organization Derick and Jill are now associated with isn’t a college at all; it’s a ministry targeted towards Arkansas college students. Cross Church College is located in Fayetteville, and hundreds of students attend its weekly services. According to the Collegiate & Young Leaders of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, members of the C3 team, including its pastor, make over 100 one-on-one visits with college students weekly. They also perform numerous baptisms.
The capacity in which Derick and Jill will be serving with C3 has not been divulged, but college pastor Brian Mills describes Derick as a “leader” of some sort in a Facebook post about a cookout the organization recently hosted.
According to one C3 employee, his leadership role was “pretty wide.” He worked on freshmen outreach, organized small Bible study groups for students, planned various social events, preached at a C3 service, performed baptisms, and went on a short-term mission trip to Malawi.
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have not revealed whether the Counting On cameras will follow them as they perform their new duties. The couple originally planned on returning to the mission field in El Salvador shortly after the birth of their second child earlier this month, but they abandoned this venture for an undisclosed reason. As the Inquisitr previously reported, there were rumors that the end of their career as missionaries was not their choice; they were allegedly fired by the Christian organization that hired them, SOS Ministries.
Details on our new direction in ministry here: https://t.co/FKjqazEYKW pic.twitter.com/wlsrKiNXzg
— Derick Dillard (@derickmdillard) August 9, 2017
According to an insider, one reason SOS decided to cut ties with them was all the negative publicity that Derick Dillard received for attacking Jazz Jennings on Twitter, a move that also could have put his reality TV career in jeopardy since Jazz, too, stars on a TLC series. Some of Jazz’s fans weren’t happy that TLC didn’t dump Derick, and they also aren’t happy that Cross Church has hired him.
“Did you bully any trans kids while you were there,” wrote one of his Twitter followers in response to his tweet about the C3 cookout.
“You let a bigot like @derick4Him represent you, says a lot about your church, that it is One to avoid,” read another tweet directed at Cross Church.
So far, Jill Duggar’s husband has avoided engaging with his Twitter critics.
[Featured Images by Jill Dillard /Instagram, Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for AHA]