The Big Brother 19 recap reveals spoilers from the August 10 episode. Josh Martinez was the Head of Household in Week 6 and while he may not succeed in getting his primary target out of the BB19 house, he would likely finish his tenure with a successful eviction. Now it’s time for the Week 6 Eviction Ceremony, where someone is going home and there aren’t any temptations left to save them this season. This Episode 21 recap comes from a live CBS presentation on Thursday, August 10, at 9 p.m. PT/ET.
Recapping what has taken place on the recent Big Brother 19 episodes, Josh became the Head of Household and then Cody Nickson won the Temptation Competition. Jessica Graf claims she threw the competition to become the third nominee and then Josh put Elena Davies and Mark Jansen on the block as the other two nominees. Mark ended up winning the Power of Veto and Raven Walton volunteered to go up as a pawn in his place. That made the three BB19 cast nominees Jessica, Elena, and Raven on August 10.
This Big Brother 19 recap begins immediately after the “previously on Big Brother ” segment of Episode 21. Kevin Schlehuber was shown talking to Jessica Graf about trying to work with Cody Nickson moving forward. Kevin was ready to bring Jason Dent and Alex Ow into an alliance with Cody, using him as a weapon against the rest of the BB19 house. It was a tricky endeavor to even try, but it wasn’t something that Paul Abrahamian even wanted to consider. When Jessica approached Cody with the idea, he was also skeptical about the idea.
Who will it be?
Tune in NOW to see which Houseguest will be leaving the #BB19 crib tonight!
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 11, 2017
Jason and Kevin approached Cody a bit later, with Kevin and Cody seemingly coming to a bit of an agreement, but it made Jason very uncomfortable. Jason then went to Paul and Alex about the conversation with his doubts. Paul and Alex appeared to be getting worried about Kevin making deals with anyone else, let alone Cody, who had been a huge threat to the primary alliance most of the season. It was then time for the first commercial break of Big Brother 19: Episode 21 .
Do you think #Jody crossed the line? RT if you do. Fav if you don’t. #BB19
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 11, 2017
When the show came back from commercial, it was time for more drama in the game, Jessica Graf was poking at Josh Martinez and he didn’t take kindly to it. What ensued was another screaming match involving Jessica, Josh, and Cody Nickson. Cody began cussing out Josh, while Jessica and Josh bickered about what had been going on inside the BB19 house. Then Josh brought out the pots and pans one more time as chaos consumed them all again. It was not a good time for the cast.
Well now how are we ever supposed to know what Cody was trying to say?! #BB19
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 11, 2017
At the Eviction Ceremony, Cody Nickson voted against Raven Walton, while the other seven voters (Paul Abrahamian, Mark Jansen, Alex Ow, Kevin Schlehuber, Jason Dent, Matt Clines, and Christmas Abbott) all selected Jessica Graf. By a 7-1 vote, Jessica is the sixth person to leave the BB19 house permanently this summer. The Eviction Ceremony suspiciously came a bit early during this August 10 Big Brother 19 recap, but that gave host Julie Chen a lot of time to chat with her.
Josh’s msg to Jess was that he was trying to get out Elena instead of her, but she picked fights instead. Julie confirms it was true. #BB19
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 11, 2017
The Week 7 HOH Competition was a question-and-answer challenge, with everyone but Josh Martinez participating in it. They all watched a magic show take place in the backyard and then host Julie Chen asked them questions about it. Mark Jansen, Kevin Schlehuber, Jason Dent, and Paul Abrahamian all missed the second question. Christmas Abbott was the next eliminated houseguest. Elena Davies, Cody Nickson, and Matt Clines were out next, leaving just Raven Walton and Alex Ow competing for HOH. Alex then became Head of Household.
That brings an end to the August 10 Big Brother 19 recap, with the next episode of the show scheduled for 8 p.m. PT/ET on Sunday night (August 13). Who will choose as his two nominees for eviction? Who is most at risk of becoming the first member of the BB19 jury this summer?
[Featured Image by Vince Bucci/Getty Images]