Counting On stars Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo are spreading their wings as a Christian power couple. Since their marriage, the pair has been making headlines among Duggar family fans for their adorable dynamic and Jeremy’s liberal stance on Jinger’s hobbies and wardrobe. In a recent post, the former professional soccer player shared an image of him and his beautiful wife posing with one of America’s most iconic voices in the Christian community, Pastor John MacArthur.
The photo, recently shared by Jeremy, featured a group shot of him and Jinger, his parents Charles and Diana Vuolo, and Mr. and Mrs. John MacArthur. The newly uploaded image has gained a lot of great responses from Jeremy’s Instagram followers, many of whom are excited for the young reality TV stars.
Pastor MacArthur, after all, is practically a celebrity in the Christian community, with syndicated shows, best-selling books, and multiple honorary degrees under his belt. Interestingly, Pastor MacArthur is also a proponent for expository preaching, a style of teaching that Jeremy seems to be emulating in his own congregation back in Laredo, Texas.
“What an awesome opportunity to meet and be with John MacArthur! Lovely pic of you all,” one commenter wrote.
Many of Jeremy’s followers also took notice of the fact that his wife, Jinger Duggar, is utterly stunning and elegant in the photograph. The reaction of the reality TV star’s social media followers to Jinger was so positive that some even stated the Duggar daughter was practically channeling Jackie O with her look.
“Jinger can you be any prettier? Seriously! You’re stylish and yet respectfully classy. A beautiful mature look for you!” one commenter gushed.
“Jinger is the classy Jackie O type. Always so classic!” another commenter wrote.
Looking at the recently uploaded photo, it is easy to see why Counting On fans are gushing over Jeremy and Jinger. Both, after all, are extremely attractive, and the fact that they seem to be so in sync with each other only makes each of them look better. Thus, while Jinger’s comparison to Jackie O is definitely flattering, it is also quite justifiable.
Meanwhile, Jinger is also making waves on her own Instagram page. Just recently, Jinger uploaded a photo of a girl riding a horse in her account. The girl in the picture was wearing pants and a jacket, which resulted in many of the Counting On star’s social media followers thinking that Jinger was the one featured in the image. Some even noticed that the girl, with her jacket, looked almost pregnant, which only made some of Jinger’s followers speculate on the reality TV star’s rumored pregnancy even further.
Fortunately, Jinger responded to her fans in the comments section of her recent upload to clarify things. According to Jinger, the girl in the picture was not her at all. Rather, the subject of the photograph was a friend of hers. Jinger did confirm, however, that she was the one behind the camera.
“I took this photo of a friend.”
While Jinger’s latest photo update might be a disappointment for her fans eagerly waiting for her next pants-wearing, pregnancy-teasing picture, her followers could at least rest assured in the fact that the Counting On star seems to be thriving in her new hobby and is thoroughly enjoying herself.
What do you think of the reception that Jinger’s photos have been receiving so far? Is the Counting On star really talented in photography? Sound off in the comments below!
Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are featured on Counting On , which is set to return on TLC this coming September.
[Featured Image by Jeremy Vuolo/ Instagram ]