Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and current Fox News host, got a lot of grief for his comments about possibly linking the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting to a lack of God and religion in public schools .
Huckabee sought to clarify his remarks last night, and he found an unlikely ally — the very liberal Geraldo Rivera:
On his FNC show, Huckabee responded to his critics (see video below) by insisting that he never claimed that prayer in school would have prevented the horrific tragedy in Newtown. He also noted in passing President Obama invoked God and quoted the bible in his statement to the nation.
In the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting, Huckabee said in part that his critics were jumping to conclusions about what he said:
“It’s far more than taking prayer or bible reading out of the school … we’re asked where was God [in this tragedy] … we’ve escorted [God] right out of our culture and marched him off the public square … and then we express our surprise that a culture without him actually reflects what it has become.”
Huckabee added that new laws may not be necessary if we start observing the “thou shall not kill” commandment.
Reporting from outside the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Geraldo Rivera said that after hearing Huckabee’s comments, he wanted to give the former governor “electronically a big embrace.” Rivera added the following in support of Huckabee:
“This crime, this atrocity was a Godless act …the perpetrator in every way was the the devil incarnate here on earth. He was the agent of the apocalypse … it is impossible for me to miss the point that were if this was a faith-based young man, he couldn’t possibly have perpetrated that evil.”
The last thing we should be doing at this time is either politicizing or “religiousizing” an atrocity of this magnitude. Putting aide your opinion of Huckabee pro or con, even if you are a secular-oriented person, as many are, is it that unreasonable to believe that religion or spiritually in general can be a positive force?
Separately, if new regulations are in play, shouldn’t be we also considering the way physicians hand out psychotropic drugs? As Mike Adams, the self-named Health Ranger, writes at Natural News :
“Nearly every mass shooting that has taken place in America over the last two decades has a link to psychiatric medication, and it appears [Friday’s] tragic event is headed in the same direction.”
Watch Mike Huckabee’s response about God in school in relation to the Newtown tragedy and decide for yourself if his views and — those of Geraldo Rivera — have merit: