Buffalo Wild Wings’ no guns policy has some patrons extremely angry. The restaurant reportedly believes that patron safety is enhanced when no one is packing while chowing down on some tasty wings and a cold drink.
Concealed carry permits make it legal to take a weapon into many public areas, but private property owners retain the right to post a no guns allowed on premises sign if they so choose. Buffalo Wild Wings representative Peter Helfrich explained the decision to prohibit gun during an interview with WHPTV :
“We want everyone to have fun but we want to keep everyone safe.”
Pennsylvania State Trooper Adam Reed reports that patrons carrying a gun into the Buffalo Wild Wings (or B-Dubs) restaurant can be asked to leave by staff even if the gun owner has a valid concealed carry permit . Those who refused to leave could be arrested for trespassing.
Buffalo Wild Wings has restaurants in 30 states, according to The High Road . The restaurant chain launched in 1982. Some states which offer concealed carry permits forbid taking guns into establishments which serve alcohol, so the official ban by the restaurant was not necessary in some regions to keep patrons gun free.
There has been some debate and complaints on the Buffalo Wild Wings Facebook page about the gun ban policy. One B-Dubs Facebook page visitor posted a photo with the caption, “We notice your sign and will respect your wishes by doing business elsewhere.”
Buffalo Wild Wings is not the only franchise which concealed carry permit holders problems, according to the Virginia Citizens Defense League . T.G.I. Fridays also reportedly has a no guns allowed policy chain-wide.
Do you think that prohibiting guns in restaurants make patrons safer or less likely to be able to defend themselves if a crime should occur?