Mackenzie Ziegler recently celebrated her birthday. In front of the eyes of every Dance Moms fan, she has grown into the lovely 13-year-old superstar that she is. Under the direction of Abby Lee Miller, Mackenzie Ziegler had just turned 7 when she began dancing on the Lifetime reality series Dance Moms .
At the time, Mackenzie Ziegler was the youngest cast member and instantly adored by fans everywhere. She specialized in acrobatics and jazz dance. Mackenzie was widely known as the youngest member of Abby Lee Miller’s dance company, ALDC, and she competed for the Junior Elite Competition Team. She earned the national title for her solo during the finale of Dance Moms Season 2.
Mackenzie’s sister, Maddie Ziegler, also starred on Dance Moms . Even though Abby Lee Miller showed favoritism toward the Ziegler sisters, they both left the show behind at the end of Season 6. Since then, Mackenzie Ziegler has focused on becoming an internet sensation with her music.
As an internet sensation, Mackenzie Ziegler has well over 7 million followers on Instagram, but her popularity doesn’t stop there. Exceeding 8 million fans on her account, she is also extremely popular on the music application Mackenzie has been out on tour in Europe and has recently dropped six new tour dates in North America.
BIG thanks to London for an amazing first show in the U.K????????
A post shared by Mackenzie Ziegler (@kenzieziegler) on
Once upon a time, Mackenzie Ziegler looked up to her dance instructor and mentor Abby Lee Miller, however, now that she has moved on with life outside of Dance Moms , she seems to want nothing to do with her. Ziegler has moved on completely from her stint on Dance Moms and even blocked her former dance mentor on Instagram last month.
Miller is preparing to spend time in jail for bankruptcy fraud. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , the former Dance Moms instructor will spend time in prison after scheming to conceal the money she made from the show. Abby Lee Miller was sentenced to one year and one month in prison.
BlastingNews reported that, as dance instructor Abby Lee Miller was taking a stroll down memory lane, potentially in preparation for her jail sentencing, she posted throw-back photographs which had been taken while filming Dance Moms .
As Miller attempted to place tags on the Instagram post, she wasn’t able to tag Ziegler, which sparked the assumption that young Mackenzie Ziegler had, in fact, blocked Abby Lee. The caption on Abby Lee’s post read the following.
“Some years ago, in Europe somewhere? Life was simpler and they all learned how to “bevel” that ankle! #aldcla #aldcalways #dancemoms #aldcproud #ALDC #abbyleeapparel btw; I try to tag @kenzieziegler no luck?!?!”
Mackenzie Ziegler celebrated her birthday on June 3 and is now 13-years-old. Two days late, Abby Lee Miller took to Instagram to wish Ziegler a happy birthday, despite the fact that the dance instructor has been blocked by her former Dance Moms and ALDC student.
Miller captioned the post with a heartfelt message fit for a star.
“Happy 13th Birthday to @kenzieziegler Hope it was a fabulous celebration fit for a teenage sensation! *I was not on social media yesterday, so forgive me.”
Some Instagram followers of Abby Lee Miller were quick to remind Abby that she had been blocked by Ziegler, and posting birthday wishes was a fruitless effort. Others felt that Miller’s continuous picture posting and tagging bordered on stalking.
“What’s messed up is the fact that she keeps posting pics of these girls when they made it clear they don’t want to speak to her anymore.”
Many social media followers supported Abby Lee Miller’s efforts and joined in to wish Mackenzie a happy birthday. Do you think wishing Mackenzie Ziegler a happy birthday on Instagram was an unrequited gesture and a waste of time? Tell us in the comment section below.
[Featured Image by Jason Merritt/Getty Images]