Denver, CO – Missy Franklin will soon make a decision whether or not to swim for her high school team, according to CBS Denver .
Although she claimed four medals at this year’s Olympics Games in London, Franklin is strongly considering giving her high school a helping hand by joining the swim team. However, with this decision comes the possibility of a backlash from other schools and athletes.
“If I had anyone who swims high school come up to me and tell me they don’t want me to swim, I would absolutely not swim,” Franklin recently explained. “But everyone who I’ve talked to has been so supportive of it.”
The swimmer revealed that making such a decision is harder than she initially believed. For every person who thinks swimming for her high school team is the right choice, others aren’t so positive about the proposition.
“So it’s so hard when I have so many people that are really wanting me to do it and so supportive, and I have other people who are saying it’s not fair. ‘Why would you do this to other girls?’ And I feel so bad thinking that they would think that,” Franklin said.
According to the Washington Post , the 17-year-old Olympic athlete may suit up for the Regis Jesuit High School swim team before all is said and done.
“It’s hard, because I feel like no matter what I do, it’s going to be opposed in some way or form,” Franklin said. “It’s hard, but it’s life.”
“Bottom line, and believe this if you will or not, Franklin isn’t swimming for herself. She wants to be there for her school and friends,” The Denver Post writer Neil Devlin explained. “So why can’t we understand that?”
What do you think of the Missy Franklin decision? Should she be allowed to swim for her high school team?