Two days ago, the Inquisitr reported the story of a Long Island toddler, two-year-old Alexander “Xander” Persaud who was tortured by his 21-year-old nanny by burning his skin using a curling iron. The entire incident was captured using the nanny cam installed at the home where the incident happened. The nanny was later identified as Nosipho Nxumalo, a resident of Harlem who was subsequently arrested. Two days since her arrest, we now have more details about the shocking incident.
When investigating officers first asked Nosipho about her conduct, she denied any wrongdoing and claimed innocence. However, once it was revealed to her that there was video evidence of her burning the child using the curling iron, she has reportedly confessed to her crime. According to NBC New York , when the nanny was asked for the reason she decided to use the curling iron on the toddler, she claimed that the toddler simply wouldn’t listen to her and that it was her way of disciplining the child.
Police: Nanny caught on camera burning toddler with curling iron
— News12LI (@News12LI) January 13, 2017
“The child wouldn’t listen. I wanted to discipline him using the iron so I burned him,” she told investigating officers from the Nassau County Police Department.
In case you haven’t seen the video in which the nanny is caught torturing the child, we have embedded it again, below.
In the video, Nosipho is seen herself touching the curling iron to make sure it is hot enough before she places the hot object to the boy’s foot. The toddler flinches in pain and tried to move away. However, Nosipho wasn’t done yet. She attempts to do the same with the toddler’s hands. Also notable in the video is the fact that the child was not in a confrontational state or arguing with her when Nosipho decides to “punish” the toddler for indiscipline.
The toddler’s mom Angela Persaud noticed the burn marks on the toddler’s hand and skin after she returned home from work and was trying to bathe him. The toddler was initially reluctant to tell what had happened. Curious, she decided to take a look at the footage from the nanny cam they had installed at their home. Angela and her husband were shocked to see what the footage showed them. After she saw the clip, she immediately called the Nassau County Police Department and filed a complaint. After going through the footage, officers arrested the nanny and subsequently charged her with two counts of second-degree assault, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon and endangering the welfare of a child.
Talking to reporters after the incident, the toddler’s mother said she regrets her decision to hire a nanny for her son.
“I’m feeling devastated. I feel like I failed him. I should have done a better job of protecting my kid.”
Describing the incident, she further adds;
“After she burns him several times, you see her — you could tell she was telling him, ‘See that’s what happens when you don’t listen,’ and then she hugs him. She’s playing these warped mind games with my child, and it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”
According to Angela, the nanny had been taking care of the toddler for around two months. She is now worried if Nxumalo had been doing this to her child all along. She revealed that the nanny had been recommended by a local agency, Mom’s Helper Inc.
“This isn’t something that just happened once. So my heart skips beats because I don’t know what I don’t know. You play everything over in your mind. Could I have prevented this, should I have asked her to leave earlier?” Angela said
According to NBC New York , Nosipho Nxumalo has pleaded not guilty to the charges. She is currently being held on $25,000 bail. The nanny has also received a stay away order of protection for the child and his parents.
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