A British man has announced his pregnancy, making the dad-to-be the first make from the U.K to become pregnant.
Twenty-year-old Hayden Cross, from Gloucester, is excited to be the first British male to carry a child, but understands the journey will not be without issues or ridicule from individuals that simply do not understand his situation.
Although Hayden was born as a female, he has been working his way through the transition toward becoming a male. For the past three years, according to Metro , Hayden has lived as a man and has transitioned to the point of legally becoming a male. Although Hayden began hormone treatment, he has decided to put that on hold while he is pregnant for his first child. He expects to finalize the transition after the child is born.
Hayden is currently four months pregnant, and the child is currently healthy. It is expected that the remainder of the pregnancy will go well.
Our world exclusive revealed how British man Hayden Cross is four months pregnant. The twenty year old, born… https://t.co/OU81h79Pfl
— Whistleblower.co.uk (@1_whistleblower) January 8, 2017
Although Hayden has lived the last few years as a man, he did not lose the hope of one day having a child of his own. Before beginning his transition, Hayden approached the NHS to determine whether they could freeze his eggs and store them for later use. However, the NHS chose to deny his request.
Rather than accept no for an answer, Hayden decided to search out a sperm donor before completing his transition. As a man, he does not want to be denied fatherhood, so, he decided to do something about it before finalizing his transition, according to the Daily Mail .
“I faced the prospect of not becoming the man I am supposed to be, physically, or a dad. So I didn’t feel like I had any choice but to have a baby now then get back to transitioning.”
Hayden chose to seek out a sperm donor on his own, hoping the donated seed would begin the pregnancy. In the most unlikely place, Hayden found his donor on Facebook, since the cost of visiting a clinic was well beyond his reach.
The anonymous donor delivered the sperm to Hayden’s door in a pot. Hayden did not know the donor before the meeting, but that was okay. He took the donation and proceeded to insert the sperm with a syringe, hoping it would work the same as having sex. After a bit of a wait, Hayden became excited that he was, in fact, pregnant.
“I was happy but I also knew it would be backtracking on my transition. It is a very female thing to carry a baby and it goes against everything I feel in my body. I wanted the kid now so that I can have the transition before I get old.”
Although Hayden is not the first male to become pregnant with a child, that distinction goes to Thomas Beatie from the United States, being the first British male to become pregnant is a great distinction.
Britain’s first pregnant man: Transgender Hayden Cross to give birth – Daily Star https://t.co/YaXijIPg5B
— Trans News (@alltransnews) January 8, 2017
Hayden does not think his pregnancy will impact the child negatively at all, as it shouldn’t. The child will grow in a loving home and will know that his father was once a woman. Hayden will also teach the child about the trans lifestyle, to ensure he or she will not be afraid of lifestyles that are outside of the norm.
Hayden hoped that his eggs could be frozen and a child could be born later in life when he was more settled in a relationship. However, the denial of the NHS forced him to expedite his plans of having a child.
Although transgender individuals are fairly common in today’s world, there are many that uncomfortable or uninformed about the lifestyle, fearing how it might impact their own life. Hayden realizes that he will most likely be a victim of that misinformation. However, bringing his child up in an environment that promotes acceptance and equality is one step toward righting that wrong.
What are your thoughts on Hayden’s pregnancy?
[Featured Image by Ake Ngiamsanguan/Shutterstock]