President Barack Obama held his last press conference for the year and for his term on Friday, December 16, and during the conference he made it clear that Vladimir Putin will pay for Russia hacking U.S. databases during a crucial time in the presidential elections.
Obama spoke with reporters last Friday afternoon wherein he detailed the achievements that his administration has accomplished during his term.
According to NPR, President Barack Obama spoke about the lower unemployment rate, growth in income, more Americans getting health care and a healthier stock market, which all happened within his term.
He also spoke about permanently removing Osama bin Laden from being a threat to the United States as well as forging new relationships with Cuba and Iran.
He was especially proud of the fact that his administration was able to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear arms without resorting to aggressive means.
Towards the end of his speech, President Barack Obama thanked his fellow Americans for helping him and his administration accomplish their goals. He added that he is proud to be their president and he is proud to have served them.
After he was done with his speech, Obama opened the floor to questions from the reporters and the first question that came up involved Russia hacking U.S. databases.
Obama took a question from Josh Lederman of the Associated Press , which was about the alleged hacking by the Russian government. Obama said that earlier last summer he was alerted to a possibility that Russia has hacked the database of the Democratic National Committee.
President Obama immediately ordered his intelligence and law enforcement agencies to investigate the matter further and find out if it really was the Russians who hacked into the DNC.
When his intelligence agencies came back to him with their findings, Obama publicly revealed that they discovered Russia hacking U.S. databases, although at the time he didn’t provide any details as to why the Russian government performed such a malevolent act.
But now it seems that Obama, the CIA and the FBI are all in agreement that Russia’s hacking of the United States’ database was in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections.
Obama’s critics, especially Trump, have been saying that claims of Russia hacking U.S. databases is nothing more than a last-minute effort to keep the president-elect from taking over as the nation’s new Commander-in-Chief and that there’s no evidence that Russia was indeed the culprit behind the hack.
But new information coming from cybersecurity experts may now prove that Russia hacking U.S. databases is indeed true, and that they intended to undermine Hillary Clinton and influence the elections to favor Donald Trump.
According to ABC News , Justin Harvey, an expert on cybersecurity working for Accenture, spoke with them and explained how Russia hacking the DNC’s databases came to be true.
Accenture helped investigate the source of the hackings and according to Harvey, they saw Cyrillic alphabets in the compiler during their investigation.
He said to ABC News , “We saw the Cyrillic alphabet being use[d] in the compiler, we saw the level of complexity of the malware is not your run-of-the-mail ransomware cybercriminal that perhaps sits in their mother’s basement, it was very much nation-state level, very complex code that was being utilized.”
The complexity of the codes that were being used in the hack suggested that no ordinary civilian could be behind the infiltration of the DNC, rebuffing Trump’s claims that perhaps some 400-pound guy in New Jersey was behind the hack.
Harvey pressed on with his claim that Russia hacking U.S. databases is true when he said that they found other evidences pointing to the Russian government infiltrating them.
Harvey said the IP address they discovered was similar to the one that the German government found when their database was also hacked.
The German parliament, Bundestag, claimed that they were hacked last year and during their investigation, they came up with the same IP address Harvey was talking about, which pointed to the Russian government.
In addition to that, the FBI has joined the CIA in saying that Vladimir Putin was behind Russia hacking U.S. databases due to new information that they have gathered, which directly implicated the Kremlin.
President Barack Obama made it clear that the U.S. will retaliate against Putin for Russia hacking U.S. databases but many are unsure as to how the exiting president will go about it, seeing that he only has 33 days left before he leaves the White House.
Also, considering that Donald Trump is very vocal about his support for Putin, it would be hard to see if the U.S. will go after him for Russia hacking U.S. databases once the president-elect is sworn into office.
[Featured image by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images]