Kanye West is possibly a lot of things, but it’s doubtful he’s crazy. Curious? Here’s what I mean.
Last week, we all witnessed the Kanye meltdown/breakdown in Sacramento, California. During West’s rant, he talked about a number of things, according to Complex .
Yet, people were so caught up in Kanye’s “ Donald Trump ” message. And, because of this, they missed what West was actually saying that night.
Essentially, Kanye West — as crazy as he might have appeared — called out “the establishment.” If anything is “crazy,” that’s what’s crazy.
— DESIRE (@DESIREDOTINK) November 22, 2016
Kanye West Joins The “Gone Crazy” Club
During Kanye’s rant, he called out the people behind the scenes. Without saying any names, it was well understood who West was addressing.
It’s no secret that Kanye West has been acting “crazy” and erratic for years now.
All of a sudden, Kanye’s “hospitalized” for it?
Kanye West suffering from “temporary psychosis due to sleep deprivation” https://t.co/Cszv1X2q8x pic.twitter.com/QxL5S6npqo
— billboard (@billboard) November 22, 2016
Doesn’t this seem a bit too familiar? No, it doesn’t necessarily resemble anything Mr. West has encountered in the past.
However, as to take example from other notable artists and comedians, Kanye West’s image is under attack. Yet, his isn’t the first.
If you remember, two decades ago, Martin Lawrence was in a similar position. And since, he’s been called crazy.
Now, the latest Kanye West headline states that he’s “battling paranoia.”
Dave Chappelle said it best.
“The worst thing to call somebody is ‘crazy.’ It’s dismissive. ‘I don’t understand this person, so they’re crazy’. That’s bulls**t.”
Thinking this is @kanyewest right now… “Maybe people aren’t crazy…” Dave Chappelle on The Actors Studio… pic.twitter.com/bn40SyLpNp
— Real Marsha Wright® (@marshawright) November 25, 2016
When you go to the next level in the entertainment industry, there are a lot of stipulations tagged to that type of money.
Many of them may go against your own moral values.
Kanye Has Now Passed The Second Step
We have to learn to recognize the signs of character assassination and its timing.
You don’t think it’s ironic Kanye West’s “hospitalization” would happen after he starts to oust those who are secretly running things on the back end?
The industry has been painting Kanye West “crazy” for years. The first step was “getting the public on their side.”
Even though there is real genius in things Kanye speaks, the overall goal has been accomplished: giving him a crazy label.
Now, no matter what truth Kanye West shouts to the public, no one will believe him. Why? Everyone thinks he’s crazy — that “paranoia has overtaken” him, as notes TMZ .
Chappelle would concur. Media attempted the same thing with him, and it broke his heart.
Thinking about Kanye’s issues reminds me a bit of this old Chappelle interview on Oprah. https://t.co/lSUDvQXSAD
— Joanna (@HumandChuck) November 23, 2016
I mean, Dave turned down $50 million. That’s crazy, right? The public thought he’d lost his mind as well.
However, he mentioned there were just some things he wasn’t willing to do. And at that point, things started getting “ugly” for him.
Next thing you know, he escaped to Africa — and didn’t even tell his wife and kids until he got there.
Kanye West Isn’t “Erratic”
Money will cause people to do some crazy things.
“The love of money is the root of all evil,” notes I Timothy 6:10, New International Version of the Bible .
However, in this particular case, maybe Mark Twain’s version would suffice as well.
“The lack of money is the root of all evil.”
Was Michael Jackson’s doctor paid off to overdose him? Many says he’s just the “fall guy.”
Was Prince’s entourage paid off to do the same in the elevator? When you expose the industry for what it is, strange things start to happen.
In the same way people think Kanye West is “crazy,” they thought Dave Chappelle was “crazy” for suddenly disappearing to Africa.
In the same way Kanye West is having a “breakdown,” Katt Williams had a “meltdown.”
Warning: The following video contains graphic language. Viewer discretion is advised.
You can think of several anti-establishment celebrities — those who were/are against such controlling presences within the entertainment industry.
Kanye West is now among the ranks of Prince, Michael Jackson, Martin Lawrence, etc., when it comes to this type of manipulation conspiracy.
During Chappelle’s interview, he elaborated on Martin’s breakdown in the middle of the street — when he was waving a gun and saying, “They’re trying to kill me!”
Hitmen need money and are willing to kill whomever for it — even Mr. Lawrence and Mr. West.
Matter of fact, Kanye specifically mentioned both Jay Z and DJ Khaled during his Sacramento rant. West told both not to send killers at his head, but instead, he only wanted to talk, right?
We should pay more attention in order to recognize when diversions are in enacted. Sure, we can make hilarious memes about Kanye West’s situations all day — thinking they’re not that serious.
But, as Dave said, that only us being dismissive — all the while, Kanye might truly be fighting for his life.
It’s too late when it’s “R.I.P. Kanye.” Michael warned that they were trying to kill him — so did various others. So, if you ever hear Kanye West say that someone’s trying to kill him, you’d best believe him.
What are your thoughts about Kanye’s rant and “breakdown.” Do you think he’s crazy? Feel free to share your comments below.
[Featured Image by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images]