Once Upon a Time ‘s Episode 204, “The Crocodile” continued to show why this is one of the most popular dramas on TV. Tonight was full of the action and romance fans come back every week for—and we even got to meet another new character (who happens to be totally hot, just saying).
Caution, some slight spoilers, but nothing super major.
Viewers hoping for more answers about Emma and Snow in present day Story Book Land are going to be disappointed. But fans of Robert Carlyle will love tonight’s episode, which featured not only a Mr. Gold centered Storybrooke plotline but a Rumpelstiltskin/Dark One story in tonight’s Story Book Land flashback as well.
Tonight’s episode of Once Upon a Time started in Storybrooke where Belle worries that Gold is up to his old tricks. She struggles with a boyfriend who can’t give up magic and leaves his house to sort her feelings out. Gold is so desperate to find her that he turns to her father, the man Gold took her from in Story Book Land, but when that doesn’t work he is forced to seek help from a reluctant Charming and Red. But was Belle’s dad really unable to locate his daughter, or is he up to something to try and keep Gold and Belle apart forever?
The Story Book Land flashback this week gave us more insight into a pre-Dark One Rumpelstiltskin. After refusing to fight in the Ogre Wars his wife grows to resent being linked to the village coward. She begins drinking heavily and visiting the local tavern, where she meets a pre-Hook Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue: The Rite, The Clinic ). After Hook takes his wife captive aboard his ship, Rumpelstiltskin is forced to come to grips with his own cowardice when he is unable to rescue her.
Unfortunately for the Captain, Rumpel becomes the Dark One and happens upon him again years later. He wants revenge for Hook taking his wife as a prisoner, but was she really a captive or did she go willingly? I mean, Hook is pretty dreamy, even after the Dark One delivers the injury that becomes his namesake.
What did you think of tonight’s episode of Once Upon a Time , “The Crocodile”? Let me know in the comments below!
Featured Image by David Gray © ABC | Photo of Colin O’Donoghue as Captain Hook courtesy of Disney