The latest presidential polls should be very encouraging for the Hillary Clinton campaign. All of the major election polls released on the day before the election have Clinton leading Donald Trump nationally. While in some cases Clinton leads the presidential race by as few as two points, in others it’s by as many as seven points. In fact, at this point, Clinton’s principal concern is probably voter turnout.
Major Finding: Clinton leads by 12 points among voters who say they already cast ballots – WSJ/NBC Poll @WSJPolitics
— Aaron Zitner (@aaronzitner) November 6, 2016
ABC News / Washington Post Tracking
The ABC News / Washington Post poll of yesterday showed Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by three points in a two-person race. But in the four-person race we actually have, this poll indicates that Clinton would beat Trump by four points .
NBC News /Survey Monkey
As reported by Fox News , in the poll conducted by NBC News /Survey Monkey and released on Monday, Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump six points in a four-person race. But Clinton also leads Trump seven points in a two-person race. This represents the largest lead of any of the major polls released yesterday.
#BEAKING : Final NBC/WSJ poll: #Clinton holds four-point lead over #Trump via @nbcnews | More at top of #AMJoy show!
— Formerly ‘AM JOY’ on @MSNBC (@amjoyshow) November 6, 2016
CBS News
The CBS News poll released Monday has Hillary Clinton leading Trump by a solid four points. This is the case regardless of whether Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are calculated into the result. The poll indicates that those voting for Stein or Johnson would be evenly divided between Clinton and Trump if they had no alternative.
Fox News
When looking at the latest presidential polls, one of the more surprising results is that Monday’s Fox News poll has Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by four points in either a two-person or four-person race. This particular poll result will not be an easy pill for Donald Trump and the Republicans to swallow.
NEW @FoxNews presidential vote poll – Clinton leads Trump by 4%, up from 2% in a four-way race
— Chris Snyder (@ChrisSnyderFox) November 7, 2016
Monmouth University
As reported by Reuters , Monday’s Monmouth University poll again suggests that the Gary Johnson and Jill Stein vote would be equally divided between Republicans and Democrats if they were not in the race. Bloomberg has Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by six points in either scenario.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll released yesterday is the only one of the latest presidential polls that shows a big difference between a two-person race and a four-person race in the 2016 election. This poll gives Clinton a three-point lead in a four-person race and a five-point lead and a two-person race. In the latter scenario, voters deciding at the last minute to switch from a third-party candidate are more likely to go to Clinton.
Reuters/Ipsos final poll says Hillary Clinton has a 90% chance of winning the presidential election with hours to go before the vote
— CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) November 8, 2016
As reported by the Star , the latest Economist/YouGov poll indicates that – once again – Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by four points in either a two-person or four-person race. This equal split of the third-party candidate’s votes may be a reflection of the polarization of voters in the United States.
Breitbart /Gravis
Perhaps most shocking for Republicans, Caffeinated Thoughts reports that the highly partisan Republican-leaning Breitbart released a poll yesterday conducted through Gravis showing that in a four-person race – which again is what we have – Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump by four points in the popular vote.
The final Breitbart/Gravis polls have… uh, Clinton winning.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2016
So after more than a year of primaries and a grueling – and sometimes shocking – general election campaign, the latest presidential polls results suggest that Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2016 election and become the first woman ever elected president of the United States. The extent of this victory will depend on which of these polls is most accurate.
If Clinton – based on these latest presidential polls – wins by only two or three points, it’s possible she won’t even get the Senate back into Democratic hands. On the other hand, if she were to win by seven or eight points in a Clinton landslide , it’s just barely conceivable both the Senate and the House could shift to Democratic control.
[Featured Image by David McNew/Getty Images]