There’s some hope for Olicity after all!
Arrow’s new season has gone back to the show’s roots – complete with fist-pumping action and impressive training montages – with the exception of some much-needed romance for Oliver Queen (Steven Amell).
While Oliver and Felicity ( Emily Bett Rickards ) ended their engagement at the end of last season, Amell told ET Online that fans shouldn’t quit on the couple just yet.
“We have some arguments coming up, but I feel like we have a good dynamic going right now and really respecting each other as teammates,” Amell revealed during the show’s 100th episode screening in Canada.
“I think they both love each other very much and care about each other, but that doesn’t always mean that people are together.”
According to Australian Network News , Rickards was also on hand at the event and assured fans that there is hope that Felicity will rekindle her romance with the Star City vigilante.
“Yeah, I think so,” she shared.
“I feel like they still have a really deep connection and they just need to grow apart.”
Rickards believes that Felicity’s relationship with Oliver is actually better this season, despite the fact that they aren’t romantically involved.
Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards at Comic-Con 2016 [Image by Kevin Winter/Getty Images]
“To be honest, they are more dynamic a part this season then they were together last season,” she shared.
“So I just feel like it’s a really good thing. You do grow apart, sometimes, before you can grow together.”
Just because there’s some hope for Felicity and Oliver in the future, that isn’t stopping Felicity from dating new guys. This season, everyone’s favorite crime-fighting IT girl is dating Billy Malone (Tyler Ritter), Star City’s newest detective.
“What an amazing human being!” Rickards dished on her new romance.
“He’s hilarious, by the way, and super, super awesome. I hope I get to work with him more.”
“It’s cool to have a new love interest in her life,” the actress added.
“I feel like it’s a little soon but, everybody deals with their things in different ways. I feel like Felicity is just trying to figure things out, like we all are. She’s just trying, man. She’s just really trying, and she’s trying to be honest and get through it.”
Not all the Arrow cast members share Rickard’s enthusiasm for Felicity’s new boyfriend.
“I just don’t know,” Colton Haynes stated.
“I was definitely an Olicity shipper. I mean, I still am, but I still had hope for, like, somehow Roy and Felicity…”
“It would never happen!” Rickards quickly interrupted.
“No, it was!” Haynes continued.
“There was this whole thing. There was going to be a love triangle for the second season. It was going to be a three-way love triangle between Roy, Oliver, and Felicity.”
Meanwhile, TV Line reports that Oliver finally discovered Felicity’s new romance in the latest episode of Arrow .
Chance broke the news to Oliver, who didn’t take it very well.
“I’m fine, but it hurt you didn’t tell me,” Oliver tells Felicity in the episode.
Felicity answered by saying that she just “chickened out,” to which Oliver asked if there was still hope for them.
“No, of course not…” Felicity said.
Later, Oliver admits that he just wants to see Felicity happy, even if that means dating someone else.
“I will always care about you,” he assured her. “It’s a mortal lock.”
While it looks like a romance is not in the cards, Movie Pilot is reporting that there is a good reason why Oliver and Felicity are on a break .
For starters, both of the characters need to grow up a little and needed some room to make that happen. Oliver is currently tackling the city’s issues as the new mayor and he is fighting crime as the Green Arrow. With so much on his plate, a romance would have been impossible to fit in.
The break offers a perfect time for both of them to work on their individual selves and develop friendships with others.
At the same time, Felicity and Oliver work great together on Team Arrow. In fact, there really isn’t a Team Arrow without Felicity running the show behind-the-scenes. A rekindling of their romance would only complicate things and make it hard for Oliver to train the new members of the team.
Lastly, some time apart allows the show to explore more aspects of Felicity’s storyline. Felicity has been an important member of Team Arrow over the years, but it will be nice to see her outside of her comfort zone and dating new people. Of course, fans can only hope that the break will lead to an Oliver and Felicity reunion at some point in the near future.
Given Amell and Rickard’s recent comments, it sounds like that might become a reality.
New episodes of Arrow air Wednesday nights on The CW check out a preview of the next all-new episode below.
[Featured Image by The CW]