Update: What’d I tell you? This Chicago Tribune article is getting lots of traction, calling for Hillary to drop out and be replaced by, guess who? Tim Kaine. We must not allow this, America. We cannot allow this. There is only one man who has any business in that slot, and it ain’t Tim Kaine.
Democrats should ask Hillary Clinton to step aside, @John_Kass says https://t.co/TkGxEMznNZ pic.twitter.com/LauKQkcjwZ
— Chicago Tribune (@chicagotribune) October 29, 2016
Can you hear it, friends and lovers? There is a thrum emanating up from the ground on which we walk, from the trees which we rest under, from the howls in the wind.
It’s a chant that started beating from the hearts of every human on earth on finding out that the case for Hillary Clinton’s indictment was resuming today.
Listen carefully. You can hear it in your heart.
It goes “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, Bernie…”
Here’s our chance, guys. The door has opened a crack.
Don’t let them say it can’t be done. Of course, it can, and it must. Notice they will say it can’t be done, but they will say Tim Kaine or Joe Biden can be done in the same sentence.
If they can replace her with them, they can replace her with Bernie.
I’m prepping you because they’ve been prepping us for months and months now. When she went down with pneumonia, tweets went out seeding the idea of either Tim Kaine or Joe Biden.
I said it back then, and I’ll say it again. Let it be known — if Tim Kaine or Joe Biden are nominated in place of Hillary Clinton, there should be unmitigated and furious indignation and outrage.
There will never have been a more appropriate place for world-changing anger and meaningful, peaceful dissent if this should occur.
Outrage is the only sane response to 13 million votes being trashed, and the entitled smarmy and pompous strains of the establishment press chiding, “Oh you silly things, you thought you could elect someone you wanted? Don’t make me laugh! Haw haw haw.”
They are not legitimate alternatives. They have not been popularly nominated; they were not included in the primary process; they have not been under the scrutiny of the press or the public, and they did nothing to demonstrate that they are the choice of the people. Because they aren’t. Not one vote went their way.
We hardly know who Tim Kaine is and what we do know is terrifying. He’s been a Wall Street schmoozer , a TPP champion , an enabler of fracking, and a union buster among other things. There is mounting evidence in the emails that his choice was arranged by the establishment years ago, in return for him installing Hillary’s attack-poodle, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The resumed criminal investigation plus the Observer recording of her saying she favors rigged elections coming out on the same day means her campaign is dead. If she died today, they’d find a way to replace her. Her campaign is dead.
Yes, the election has started, but people have been voting for Bernie already. Yes, he went back to independent status, but that’s easy to switch. Yes, it will take some administrative doing on their part, but just like the woman peering over her lunettes at the DMV, you know she can do it, given a little willingness and a lot of pressure.
Let’s apply that pressure now. We want our man. We want what is rightfully ours. We want what was stolen from us. We want Bernie Sanders.
US House Judiciary Committee on re-opening of Clinton FBI investigation https://t.co/Jg8dDTjuMw pic.twitter.com/5Ly2LNTLSm
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 28, 2016
They will tell us they can’t do Bernie while trying to give us Tim Kaine. If they can do Tim Kaine, they can do Bernie Sanders. You know it; I know it, and even the lady at the DMV knows it. Stare them down. They have shown no compunction in the past for breaking a few rules to suit them, and they can break a few rules right now to right a heinous wrong.
Let it be written, if the DNC nominates anyone instead of Bernie Sanders, the closely run second in a rigged democratic process. The man who did not officially hand over his delegates to Hillary Clinton at that Hunger Games- style sham of a convention and therefore retains them. If they ignore the will of the people altogether and try to bully in their own smarmy-faced puppet-head noddy boy, then there will be an upwelling of righteous anger that even the bubble in DC won’t be able to ignore.
If they try to slip Tim Kaine in our drink while tut-tutting all the while that Bernie Sanders isn’t realistic or whatever other insidious mind-virus David Brock manufactures from his spell book, the whole room will be shouting “They’re trying to drug us! They’re trying to drug us with Tim Kaine!” You know it. We’re at the bar, watching you, Correct the Record. We’ve been watching you for a while now.
And we’re awake to your tricks, Podesta et al. We know how you move. We’ve seen too much, and we know all your plays. We know you’re furiously trying to create a human-sounding response for her right now while frantically back and forthing all over the place in text and on the phone. We know you’re illegally coordinating with your super PACs right now to create distractions and to bring your army of online shills “on message.” We know that if we try to join in peaceful protest, you will send in disruptors to make us look violent. There’s so much we know now. That’s just a slice of your playbook, and WikiLeaks has plenty more.
So what are you going to do? Move from an invisible totalitarian state into a visible one? Because that’s what’s happening at Standing Rock right now. Your nice guy image is falling away fast, and a sleepy populace that always felt a bit creeped out by you but didn’t know why is starting to see why. Drop the act altogether, or drop out of the race.
Your move.
[Featured Image by Win McNamee/Getty Images]