Chris Brown and Drake just won’t stop fighting over Rihanna. According to HNGN , Chris Brown called Drake a “boring mama’s boy.”
Is Chris Brown trying to instigate a fight again? This is not the first time Chris Brown and Drake have fought with each other. The Inquisitr had reported that Chris Brown has taken a shot at Drake before. “Supported my favorite rapper last night IN NEW ORLEANS BIG BRO FOR LIFE,” Chris posted on Instagram.
“If it wasn’t for [Lil Wayne] a lot of these fake a** rappers wouldn’t get an opportunity,” Chris Brown said. He then posted: “Real friends don’t depend on record sales or co-signs.” However, the post has been deleted since then. Rihanna and Chris Brown’s love story had come to an abrupt end after Brown was charged with domestic violence. Since then, there have been several reports that Chris Brown wanted to get back together with Rihanna. However, since Drake professed his love for Rihanna at the VMAs, the two have been going pretty strong.
The Inquisitr had reported that Drake and Rihanna still love each other. Although, reports have gone on to say that the two are not in an exclusive relationship anymore after Drake was seen with India Love and many questioned how serious the two are about each other. “Rihanna and Drake are seeing other people at the moment. They are not exclusive anymore. They still love each other, but their schedules have gotten in the way.”
Drake and Rihanna have always wanted to be with each other, but it just looks like the two are not able to work around their schedules to be with each other. “Everyone wants them to be together, but they are just close friends who are always in each others lives,” the insider explained.
Drake and Chris Brown have had a very long history of enmity with each other. MTV had reported that back in 2012, Drake and Chris Brown were in a nightclub brawl and Chris Brown suffered a split chin. The publication reported that the disagreement has something to do with Rihanna.
Chris Brown is definitely not happy about the fact that Rihanna and Drake got together. He believes that he and RiRi are “soulmates” and he’s just not buying the fact that Drake and Rihanna are meant to be together. The sources have also said that Chris Brown is okay with Rihanna being in a casual relationship with Drake, but he doesn’t like the fact that the two are getting serious about each other. It looks like Brown can finally breathe given that the rumors of Drake and Rihanna ‘s breakup are abuzz.
Drake also talked about Chris Brown’s insecurities. MTV had quoted Drake on an interview where Drake didn’t mix words when it came to talking about Chris Brown. “His insecurities are the fact that I make better music than him, that I’m more popping than him and that at one point in life the woman that he loves fell into my lap.” No mincing of words here!
He went on to say that he treated Rihanna with more respect than Chris Brown. “I did what a real n—a would do and treated her with respect,” he continued. It looks like Drake didn’t hold back as he talked about Chris Brown. No wonder Drake and Chris Brown would never be able to make peace with each other. It remains to be seen what Rihanna thinks about all this.
Do you think Drake and Rihanna are going to be together for long? Do you think Chris Brown and Drake should quit fighting over Rihanna? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
[Featured Image by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images]