A Democrat reportedly close to Barack Obama’s campaign claims that as he stepped off the stage, the president thought he won the debate. Critiques of the first presidential debate flooded the airwaves after the first fateful meeting between Obama and Mitt Romney , but until today, the general public had no idea that the president thought he had bested his Republican challenger.
The unnamed source is reportedly a Democrat who is aligned with the Obama campaign and has been an unofficial adviser on occasion, according to the Daily Mail . The individual also maintains that President Obama did not take debate preparation seriously and ignored the advice of senior aides. The president reportedly had clever one-liners prepared for him to use to wind up Mitt Romney, but for some reason, opted against voicing them during the debate.
Hubris is being blamed as at least a partial culprit for the president’s performance during the most watched political debate in history. The Democratic source claims that Obama was so disdainful of Romney that he did not believe he needed to engage with him while the two shared the same stage at the election event, according to The Moderate Voice .
The Democratic source had this to say about the president’s performance during the first debate:
“President Obama made it clear he wanted to be doing anything else, anything, but debate prep. He kept breaking off whenever he got the opportunity and never really focused on the event. He went into the debate armed with a number of one-liners to throw at Romney, including at least two about Romney not caring about 47 percent of the country. But he decided not to use them. To his credit, the president believes that debates are about substance rather than performance. He felt that his argument about the direction this country should take was much stronger than Romney’s. Unfortunately, that’s not how modern debates work.”
The source also maintains that President Obama broke off from debate prep to visit a campaign field office in Henderson, Nevada. He allegedly joked with a volunteer staffer about how his advisers kept him inside practicing, calling the experience a drag, and stating his staff was making him do his homework.
The source declined to reveal what Romney attack lines President Obama chose not to say because they might be used by Vice President Joe Biden during the Paul Ryan debate. It allegedly took 24 hours for the president to admit that his opponent had solidly beaten him during the first debate.