Authorities in Ohio say a 74-year-old woman was killed Tuesday when her pet llama accidentally ran her over.
According to a report by the Delaware County sherrif’s office, Florence Lenahan was walking out to meet her llama, named Baby Doll, when the excited animal ran toward her, slipped on a patch of wet grass, and knocked Lenahan’s head onto the ground. reports Ms Lenahan, a former coroner, suffered arm and head injuries in the accident and died of cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital. Fox News notes there’s no evidence the llama was acting maliciously.
“Florence took it into her house, bottle fed it, raised it, basically saved its life,” said friend Kevin Scott of Baby Doll. “That little llama went with Florence everywhere.”
The Columbus Dispatch reports that in addition to Baby Doll (just one of Florence’s 13 llamas), Lenahan cared for many other animals on her property, including 11 dogs, five cows, 15 racehorses and six cats.
Lenahan’s family is working with the Delaware County Humane Society to find homes for the animals in light of her death.
“She had quite the menagerie,” said Misty Bay, who oversees humane services and marketing for the humane society. “We’re looking for someone to open their barns and their hearts.”
Central Ohio’s 10TV news has more on Florance Lenahan’s tragic death in the video below: